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政治工作干部是我军干部队伍中重要的不可缺少的组成部分。可以说,军队在执行各项任务中,都离不开政工干部的服务和政治工作的保证作用。不论战争年代还是社会主义建设时期,政工干部都发挥了和发挥着积极的不可缺少的作用。他们理所应当成为军事题材影片的表现对象。塑造好各种各样的政工干部形象,是摆在电影工作者面前的一个重要的美学课题。然而,近年来,在我们不少军事题材影片中,却很少甚至看不到政工干部了。如《年轻的朋友》、《凯旋在子夜》、《雷场相思树》、《战争让女人走开》、《道是无情胜有情》等等影视片中,只见各级军事指挥员,不见各级政治指挥员,我们常常看到的是,各种应由政工干部做的工作由军事干部做了;思想政治工作也全由军事干部来代替;甚至宁可在影片中不表现思想政治工作、宣传鼓动工作,也不让政工干部出现。例如,有的影片在表现我军奔赴对越作战前线情景时,只见开进中的干部战士说笑、打闹、沉闷等各 Political cadres are an important and indispensable component of our army cadres. It can be said that the military can not do without the guarantee function of political cadres’ service and political work in carrying out various tasks. Regardless of the war years or the period of socialist construction, all political and military cadres have played an active and indispensable role. They deserved to be the object of performance in military theatrical films. To create a good variety of images of political cadres is an important aesthetic issue for filmmakers. However, in recent years, in many of our military films, political cadres have seldom even been seen. Such as “Young Friends”, “Triumph at Midnight,” “Thunder Acacia Tree,” “War Leaves Women Away,” and “Roads are mercilessly winners.” I saw only military commanders at all levels, missing What we often see is that all kinds of work that should be done by political cadres should be done by military cadres; ideological and political work should all be replaced by military cadres; and even if we should rather not show ideological and political work in the film, Publicity and agitation work, nor political cadres appear. For example, when some films show our army went to the front of the Vietnam War scene, I saw only the cadres and soldiers who were entering the industry joked, slapstick, dull, etc.
O、b 40岁。40岁的 o、b 是一种妇女卫生用品,全名 o、b 卫生栓。40年前一位德国妇科医生经过精心研制,将它献给了世界,从此,女性再不为生理上的种种不便而烦恼。在月经期,
Objective To investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) to treat permanent atrial fibrillation (AF) under the guid
第十四届(一九六一年) 大奖:《维里吉安娜》(西班牙)《长别离》(法国) 评委会特别奖:《修女约安娜》(波兰) 最佳导演:尤莉娅·索伦采娃(苏联)得奖作《如火如荼的年代》最佳
为了有效降低煤矿水害事故,针对煤矿复杂的地质条件,基于模块化设计思想,研制了钻孔能力可达300 m的ZDY3500T型分体式和ZDY3500LT型履带式2款煤矿用探放水钻机。简述了回转系
本文以湖北省收费公路建设为例 ,总结了“贷款修路 ,收费还贷”政策实施以来收费公路管理工作的成绩和经验 ,分析了目前存在的问题 ,提出了加强和完善收费公路管理的目标和措