
来源 :中国花卉园艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoudeyou
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我国花卉业发展到今天,花卉生产过程中,采用温室栽培的方式已经比较普遍。这是值得肯定的一种进步。然而,也有一个值得注意的问题:采用温室栽培花卉的企业,有一些出现了亏损,特别是进口高档洋温室的企业,获利的更是少数。这是为什么呢?排除其他因素,仅就温室而言,这里就有一个选择的问题。 采用温室生产花卉,无非是生产者想利用温室条件来克服和弥补露地栽培所面临的自然条件的缺陷和不足,以满足周年生产,提高单位产出水平和改善产品品质,达到经销者和消费者的选择性要求,进而取得令人满意的收益。 China’s flower industry to today, the flower production process, the use of greenhouse cultivation has been more common. This is a positive progress. However, there is also a noteworthy issue: Some enterprises that use greenhouse-grown flowers have experienced some losses, especially those importing high-grade foreign greenhouses, which make a small profit. Why is this? Excluding other factors, in terms of greenhouse, there is a problem of choice. Greenhouse production of flowers, is nothing more than producers want to use greenhouse conditions to overcome and compensate for the open field cultivation facing the natural conditions of the deficiencies and deficiencies in order to meet the annual production, improve unit output and improve product quality to distributors and consumers The selectivity of the request, and then get a satisfactory return.
1 母乳喂养的国际进展及国内情况 母乳是婴儿的天然食品。母乳喂养是大自然为新生婴儿提供的最佳礼物,为生命提供了最良好的开端。人类是哺乳动物,其繁衍就是靠母乳喂养。自
对D—葡萄糖缩氨基硫脲Ni(Ⅱ)与Co(Ⅱ)两种络合物进行抑菌试验。前者对11种试验菌均有抗菌作用,抑菌圈直径在14mm以上;后者仅对蜡状芽胞杆肉、串珠镰刀菌与黄曲霉有抗菌作用。 The antibacter
1.红大内玉(Lithops optica var.rubra)属番杏科生石花属。原产纳米比亚等地。为大内玉的变种。肥厚肉质叶2枚对生,双圆头,通体紫红色,顶端深紫红色,光滑,无花纹,株径2~3厘米