第三阶段:第二次世界大战和战后时期至一九七○年第二次世界大战构成了一个“分水岭”(Strevens 1972)。在这一过程中,一九四一年至一九四三年实施的美国战时语言方案具有极其重要的意义,它彻底地改变了美国的语言教学方法。(a)在解决所面临的语言教学问题,尤其是解决学习不常教授的语言问题方面,语言学家起了主导性的作用。(b)武装部队的外语训练方案表明,语言训练不一定非要在常规学校式的语言课上进行,而这在前二十年中则被视为是理所当然的。的确,与此相比,早期的大中学校中采用的方法显得几乎是不着边际、徒劳无益的。(c)方案旨在说明,可以向更多的普通学习者和军人教授语言,语言教学的进度也可比先前料想的快得多;(d)方案还展现了强化性语言训练和注重口语的潜在优点。
The third stage: World War II and the Second World War from the Second World War to 1970 formed a “Strevens”. In the process, the U.S. wartime language program, which was implemented from 1941 to 1943, was of immense importance. It completely changed the language teaching methods in the United States. (a) Linguists played a leading role in addressing the language teaching problems they faced, especially in addressing the language problems of under-taught professors. (b) The foreign language training programs of the Armed Forces show that language training does not have to take place in a regular school-based language class, which was taken for granted for the first two decades. Indeed, compared with this, the methods used in the early middle and high schools appeared almost unworthy and futile. (c) The program is designed to teach that language can be taught to more regular learners and military personnel, and the pace of language teaching can also be much faster than previously thought; (d) The program also demonstrates the potential for intensive language training and speaking-intensive advantage.