
来源 :高原医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tswdforu
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目的:观察多种维生素胶丸油液和高原护肤霜预防急性高原性唇炎的效果。方法:对进驻海拔5100m高原野外施工的212名部队青年随机分3组,分别涂用多种维生素油液(112人)、高原护肤霜(50人)和空白对照组(50人),随访1天~15天唇炎发病情况,并在平原室内用紫外线照射仪对上述受试者中6名进行紫外线照射,部位取前臂中段内侧1.5cm2皮肤三处,分别涂维生素油液、护肤霜和覆盖护光纸。紫外线剂量为最小红斑量的2.5倍。结果:维生素油液组、护肤霜组对唇炎的防护与对照组比较有非常显著的差异(P<0.05),维生素油液防护效果的显效率显著高于护肤霜(P<0.01)。对皮肤紫外线照射的保护作用,维生素油液组与护肤霜组比较无差异(P>0.05),与对照组比较,有非常显著的差异(P<0.01),霜剂组无明显变化(P>0.05)。结论:多种维生素油液、高原护肤霜对急性高原性唇炎均有保护作用,前者效果更显著,而且药源广,经济易行,适用于高原基层推广使用 Objective: To observe the effects of multiple vitamin capsules and plateau creams in preventing acute high altitude cheilitis. Methods: A total of 212 military units stationed at an altitude of 5100m in the plateau were randomly divided into three groups. They were treated with vitamin oil (112), plateau cream (50) and blank control group (50) Day ~ 15 days incidence of cheilitis, and in the plain indoor UV irradiation instrument to the above subjects in 6 of the UV irradiation, the site to take the medial forearm 1.5cm2 skin three, were coated with vitamin oil, skin cream and Cover photo paper. UV dose of 2.5 times the minimum amount of erythema. Results: There was a significant difference between the vitamin oil group and the skin cream group on the prevention of cheilitis (P <0.05). The protective effect of vitamin oil was significantly higher than that of the skin cream (P <0. 01). There was no significant difference between the vitamin oil group and the skin cream group (P> 0.05). There was a significant difference (P <0.01) between the vitamin oil group and the cream group Change (P> 0.05). Conclusion: The multi-vitamin oil and plateau skin cream have the protective effect on acute high altitude cheilitis, the former is more effective and the drug source is wide and economy is easy to apply
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