
来源 :中华临床实验室管理电子杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yy20090907
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目的强化输血科血制品信息化管理,提高临床用血安全性和合理性。方法依据《临床用血管理办法》和《临床输血技术规范》,运用计算机软件和网络技术对武汉亚洲心脏病医院原血库信息管理系统进行重新设计和开发,建立亚心血库信息管理系统,对2013年医院输血工作进行管理,对血型标本检测的双向通信、血液库存预警、电子输血申请、输血反应电子记录、输血后疗效评估等功能运行情况进行效果评价。结果用亚心血库信息管理系统后,2013年全院检测血型22 900份,与2012年相比增加11%,在输血科未增加人员情况下,无1份血型鉴定错误;2013年共入库血液制品红细胞类6744 U、血浆类235 100 ml、血小板类411人份,冷沉淀类1492 U,无1袋血液制品因过期而报废,无1例患者因发错血、出错库产生医疗事故;2013年共接收电子输血申请8824份,填写合格率99%。结论应用血库信息管理系统,使输血科工作和临床用血管理更智能、更规范、更有效,提高了输血科管理水平,促进了临床安全合理有效用血。 Objective To strengthen the blood transfusion blood product information management, improve clinical blood safety and rationality. Methods Based on the “Clinical Methods of Blood Management” and “Clinical Transfusion Technical Specifications”, the original blood bank information management system of Wuhan Asia Heart Hospital was redesigned and developed by using computer software and network technology. The information of sub-cardiovascular database management system was established. Year hospital blood transfusion management, the blood group specimens of two-way communication, blood bank warning, electronic transfusion applications, electronic records of transfusion reactions, transfusion efficacy evaluation and other functions of the performance evaluation. Results After using sub-cardiovascular information management system, there were 22 900 blood samples detected in the hospital in 2013, an increase of 11% compared with 2012, and no blood group identification error was found in the department of blood transfusion. Blood products erythrocytes 6744 U, blood plasma 235 100 ml, platelet 411 people, cryoprecipitate 1492 U, none of the bags of blood products due to expire and scrapped, no one patient due to hair loss, error library medical accident; In 2013, a total of 8,824 applications for electronic transfusion were received, completing a pass rate of 99%. Conclusion The application of blood bank information management system makes blood transfusions and clinical blood management more intelligent, more standardized and more effective, improves the management of blood transfusion department and promotes the rational and effective use of blood in clinical safety.
针对传统大棚测量温湿度运用温度计和湿度计导致测量过程复杂、测量结果不精确以及控制系统操作繁琐的问题,设计了基于CC3200的温室大棚温湿度(temperature and humidity,TH)
目的应用三维斑点追踪超声心动图(3D-STE)技术评估宁夏汉族家族性肥厚型心肌病(Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,HCM)基因突变携带者(G+/P-)早期左室收缩功能及其同步性的改变。方法研究纳入针对Hg19基因组的二代全外显子DNA测序或Sanger一代测序验证有致病基因突变的4个宁夏汉族HCM家系。其中,携带HCM致病突变基因且心肌未肥厚者14例作为主要研究对象即G+/