马红妹,原广东省汕尾市副市长。1998年5月因贪污受贿罪被判处有期徒刑8年。她说:“我认为我是人民的公仆,吃的、用的都应该是公家的。”1997年初夏的一天,汕尾市迎宾馆通往 C 楼的长廊上,款款走来了一个女人。她身着新潮套裙,腋夹精致女包,细眼微眯,左顾右盼,感觉十分得意。她叫马红妹,“芳龄”54,汕尾市声名赫赫的副市长。此刻,仿佛又是来出席某个重要的会议般,她慵懒地推开了那幢别墅的门。这一推,也就推出了她那沉重的人生结局。
Ma Hongmei, former vice mayor of Shanwei City, Guangdong Province. May 1998 sentenced to eight years imprisonment for corruption. She said: “I think I am a public servant of the people, eating and using should be public.” One day in the early summer of 1997, Shanwei Guest House on the corridor leads to the C building, the section came a woman . She was dressed in a trendy skirt, armpit folder delicate handbags, fine eyes micro-Mi, looked around, I feel very proud. Her name is Ma Hongmei, “Fong Ling” 54, Shanwei City, the illustrious deputy mayor. At the moment, as if coming for an important meeting, she lazily opened the door of the villa. This push, it launched her heavy end of life.