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銅元素的分析,一般是用硫代硫酸鈉——碘量法。我們化验室由于碘化鉀的供不应求,銅元素分析几乎处于半停滞状态,采探矿試样大批积压,不能及时提出分析結果,严重地影响地質工作的正常进行。我室在矿党委的領导下开始了这方面的試验工作。当时同志們共提出了四种方法分头进行試验,但所得結果都不能令人滿意。关于用特里隆Б測定銅的资料,在我們化验室是缺乏的。根据N.B.舍馬年科夫著“矿物原料化学和物理化学分析法“一書中提到“紫脲酸銨能作为銅离子和鎳离子的指示剂,这些本身有色的离子在氨性溶液中,当有过量的持里隆Б时与紫脲酸銨結合而显著的由金黄色变为深紅色”一句話,大大地启发了我們。但经过我們試验認为不能在氨性溶液中而应在醋酸酸性溶液中,試验所得結果尚令 Analysis of copper, the general is sodium thiosulfate - iodometric method. Due to the shortage of potassium iodide in our laboratory, the analysis of copper element is almost in a state of semi-stagnation. A large backlog of prospecting samples can not be put forward in time to seriously affect the normal operation of geological work. My room began the pilot work in this area under the leadership of the coal mine party committee. At that time, the comrades proposed a total of four methods to conduct experiments separately, but the results were unsatisfactory. The information on the determination of copper by Trilon Б is absent in our laboratory. According to NB Shemanenkov with “mineral chemical and physical and chemical analysis of the law,” a book mentioned in the book, “ammonium uivalate as a copper ion and nickel ion indicator, the color of their own ions in ammonia solution, When there is an excessive amount of Rondo Б when combined with the urea ammonium urea and a significant change from golden yellow to dark red, ”a word, greatly inspired us. However, after our test that can not be in the ammonia solution should be in acidic solution of acetic acid, the test results are still
自主品牌引领电控新技术公司简介山东鑫亚工业股份有限公司始建于1 965年,是一家油泵油嘴专业制造企业,全国油泵油嘴行业副理事长单位,国家油泵油嘴行业技术标准制定单位,国
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前言加拿大季安特耶洛奈夫矿山位于西北地区的大奴湖北岸的耶洛奈夫城北4公里处。于1948年5月投产,日处理250吨矿石。从那时起,工厂流程进行改动并扩建至目前1250 Foreword