What's So Special about China's Producer Services? An Input-output Analysis

来源 :China & World Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aquarius215
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In the present study,five stylized facts about China’s producer services are established through international,intersectoral and intertemporal comparisons based on input –output tables.First,the overall service input ratio is the lowest in all the sample economies.Second,most producer services are supplied by the traditional labor-intensive sectors.Third,manufacturing is the biggest user of producer services,and service industry is the second,while the opposite is true for most of the other sample economies.Fourth,unlike other economies,China’s “R&D” is characterized more by consumer services than producer services.Fifth,China has fairly lower service input ratios in almost all the industries.The backward and forward linkages coefficients are both smaller for “real estate activities”and “finance and insurance.” Policy reform should focus not only on specific producer services but also on reducing obstacles that are inhibiting the balanced development of diverse producer services that will help China to optimize its economic structure. In the present study, five stylized facts about China’s producer services are established through international, intersectoral and intertemporal comparisons based on input-output tables.First, the overall service input ratio is the lowest in all the sample economies. Second, most producer services are supplied by the traditional labor-intensive sectors.Third, manufacturing is the biggest user of producer services, and service industry is the second, while the opposite is true for most of the other sample economies. Fourth, unlike other economies, China’s “R & D ”is characterized more by consumer services than producer services. Fifth, China has fairly lower service input ratios in almost all the industries. backward and forward linkages coefficients are both smaller for “ real estate activities ”and “ finance and insurance . ”Policy reform should focus not only on specific producer services but also on reducing obstacles that are inhibiting the balanced development of a diverse producer service s that will help China to optimize its economic structure.
今年夏季,山东省潍坊城北的寒亭区固堤镇牟家温庄的“西瓜大王”——郭牌西瓜的创始人郭洪泽种植的西瓜再次获得大丰收,而且在市场上再次卖出好价钱。别人种植的西瓜卖3元每公斤,而他种的西瓜却卖到5元每公斤以上,这里面的奥秘和诀窍是什么?  当地人介绍,“西瓜大王”郭洪泽是一个追着太阳搞科学种植的种植能手,他种植的西瓜甜度高,少籽多汁,起沙,所以在市场上倍受欢迎。  郭洪泽从1984年开始就在固堤镇牟家温庄
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