
来源 :财政经济评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alexkent
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《财政经济评论》以繁荣财政经济科学、为国家经济部门和决策机构服务、为财经教育服务为宗旨,努力探索财政税收等领域的重大理论问题和实践问题,注重反映经济学、财政学、税收学、财税法学等领域的重要研究成果,为广大理论研究工作者和实际工作者提供一个深入进行理论探索和学术交流的平台,并致力于成为促进中国财税改革和发展进程的重要理论阵地。 The Financial and Economic Review tries to explore major theoretical and practical issues in the fields of fiscal and taxation with the objective of prospering the financial, economic and scientific fields, serving the state’s economic departments and decision-making organs, and serving the financial and education sectors. It also emphasizes economics, finance, taxation Science, finance and tax law and other areas of the important research results for the majority of theoretical researchers and practitioners to provide a platform for further theoretical exploration and academic exchanges, and is committed to becoming China’s tax reform and development process important theoretical positions.
During the 8th Five-Year Plan period, an average annual growth rate of 24% was achieved by China auto industry, which is in line with that of the gross industr
李某,男,25岁。于1988年元月3日急诊入院。入院前一小时左眼被拳击伤,剧烈眼痛,头痛,出血不止。既往史:患风湿性关节炎10余年;左眼患虹膜 Lee, male, 25 years old. Januar
实用眼科杂志1988年第6卷第9期所刊载的《眼睑折叠缝合重睑术》一文,笔者读后认为一些地方需与作者商榷。该文手术方法,笔者认为是按睑内翻矫正术睑板楔状切除(Hotz 变法)演
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伴有视网膜脱离或无视网快脱离的视网膜裂孔,并发全玻璃体出血的情况临床尚不多见,我科曾收治1例,报告如下 Retinal detachment with or without retinal detachment assoc