
来源 :学校党建与思想教育(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jerrylearnsVC
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最近,在湖北省武穴市大法寺镇中学召开的心理健康教育动员会上,中考前紧张沉闷的气氛不见了,与以往形成鲜明对比的是学生代表的慷慨陈词,畅所欲言,轻松愉悦之情溢于言表。随着中考的临近,学生的心理负担会自然而然加重一些。该校针对这一现象,摒弃往年“誓师会”、“动员大会”的老惯例,适时举行“心理分析疏导会”及系列教育活动,多措并举,积极营造宽松的学习环境。学 Recently, at the psychological health education mobilization meeting held in Dafasi Town Middle School in Wuxue City, Hubei Province, the atmosphere of intense boring before the exam was lost. In stark contrast to the past, the student representative’s generosity, freely speaking, relaxed and happy Spill on words. With the approach of the senior high school entrance examination, students’ psychological burden will naturally increase. The school is aiming at this phenomenon by abandoning the old practice of “old swearing party” and “mobilization meeting” in the past, holding “psychological analysis and counselling sessions” and series of educational activities in due course, and taking various measures to actively create a relaxed learning environment. surroundings. learn
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你来的时候,什么都没有带来;你走的时候,什么也不曾留下,只留给我一个遥远的梦幻,使我永远停不下沉重的舞步。不必说你欠我的,不必解释这一切。很早以前,我就预 When you c
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