
来源 :人民调解 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jmxhyundai
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利用亮点击破矛盾在错综复杂的调解工作中,江阴市的调解人员坚持依法调解、公正调解,利用纠纷双方的矛盾亮点,来化解矛盾。2002年春节前夕,在锡澄公路南闸段黄土金桥下湾道处发生一起摩托车相撞造成一死两伤的车祸。一辆由无锡向江阴方向行驶的邻市一男性驾驶摩托车(身后载一邻市女性)直奔黄土金桥;由该市南闸镇曙光村承某酒后驾驶的另一辆摩托车在黄土金桥上失控,向桥左下湾道处来了个小拐湾,两车躲闪不及猛然相撞。邻市男性当场死亡,邻市女性摔地受伤。曙光村承某严重受伤,送至医院治疗,费用化去4万多元。市交警大队对此事故作出处理,承某负主要责任,应向邻市死者赔偿人民币8万元…… Use highlights to break the contradictions In the intricacies of mediation efforts, mediators in Jiangyin adhere to the mediation according to law, just mediation, the contradiction between the two sides use the bright spots to resolve conflicts. On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2002, a car crash hit a motorcycle and caused a car accident of one death and two injuries at the gate of Golden Gate Bridge, South Gate section of Xicheng Highway. One from the city of Wuxi to the direction of Jiangyin, a male driving motorcycle (behind a woman carrying a city) went straight to the loess Golden Bridge; from the city of South Gate Shuguang Village, a drink driving another motorcycle in the loess Jinqiao out of control, to the left corner of the bridge Bay Road to a small Wan Wan, two cars dodge less than a sudden collision. Men in neighboring cities died on the spot and women in neighboring cities were injured. Dawn Village Cheng a serious injury, sent to the hospital for treatment, cost to 40,000 yuan. City traffic police brigade to deal with this incident, Cheng negative responsibility, the neighbor should be compensated for the dead 80,000 yuan ......
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<正> 记者:胡副部长,今年是实施“四五”普法规划的第四个年头,请您谈谈“四五”普法以来普法依法治理工作取得了哪些成绩? 胡副部长:2001年4月26日,中共中央、国务院批转了
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