An Discussion on The Reasons that Writing Skill is Percerived to be a Difficult Language Skill to Ma

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  【Abstract】Writing is percerived as very difficult even in the learners’ first language setting,however,it is more difficult for second language learners in EFL (English as a foreign language) contexts who are not engaged in an English environment or are compelled to use English in daily life (Chaisiri,2010).In this paper,the perceived difficulty of learning writing will be detailed through a discussion of empirical studies in the skill and its uptake and a brief summary of the features of writing will be included as well.
  作者:仲愷农业工程学院  510225
  Writing is often perceived as the most difficult skill to master in a language,as Emig (1983,as cited in Strickland et al.,2001,p.388) states,writing is the most "integrative,originative and creative" in the four skills of listening,speaking,reading and writing.As Pellegrini and Rubin (1984) further note,writing skill is based on the acquirement of the other three skills.Due to the fact that the process of writing development is effected by different factors,both regards to writing itself and individuals,learners cannot acquire writing skill by themselves,and they may need to receive formal education.As Yule (2010,p.212) claim,writing cannot be learned without a "sustained conscious effort".
  2.Introduction of writing
  According to Grabe and Kaplan (1996),writing is a communication between the writer,and the readers,encompassing the reasons,time,place,and methods of writing as well.As they further state,"Perhaps the best initial way to consider the overall set of concerns involved in writing is to apply an ethnographic approach to our current understanding of writing" (p.203).As Flower and Hayes (1981) note,producing written work involves three parts: the environment of writing,which refers to the situations and contexts of the writing; the process of writing,how the writing is organized and produced; and the long-term memory of the writer,including the knowledge of the writer with regard to the writing task,readers and a writing plan as well.Based on the discussion above,writing entails details on the situations of writing,contexts of society,cognitions of individuals; and the process is likely about how the writer combines the contents,topic,structures and ideas together into writing (Kellogg,2008).Accordingly,writing is a complicated process which may causes difficulties for learners to master.Hence,to help learners with their writing skill,it would be significant for teachers and language experts to explore the difficulties faced by language learners surrounding mastering writing.   3.Difficulty of mastering writing skill
  First of all,in the development of the four skills,listening,speaking,reading and writing,writing is viewed as the most difficult skill for learners to master as it is “a complex act” (Stein,1986,p.226).The acquirement of writing skill is based on the development of listening,speaking and reading,which means to acquire writing skill,learners shall acquire the other skills firstly (Pellegrini & Rubin,1984).As Stein (1986) further suggest,different varieties of knowledge are required during the process of writing,but it is the organization of different contents for writing which is considered the difficulty part for learners,especially for children or EFL learners as the target language they use for writing is not their first language.
  Secondly,one of the main difficulties of mastering writing is the way that writing can be acquired.As Brandt (1995) claim,writing skill would be developed better by formal education,while the other skills of listening,speaking and reading may be picked up from daily life more easily.According to BBC News (2007),there are 116 million illiterate people in China,and the percentage is 11.3% in the world.As Liu (2008) further states,80 % of the 116 million illiterate people are in rural areas in China where the people perhaps do not have appropriate educational facilities and there are few opportunities to study in schools.Even though they can communicate with each other verbally and partially literate,they fail to acquire writing skills.
  Thirdly,the different motivation of individuals is also a contributing factor which causes writing difficulty (Berninger & Hpper,1993).As Mothershed (1998) state,writing is not a favorable piece in the jigsaw of learning a language.For example,in China,writing is an essential section in examinations,as in Matriculation English Test,one of the most important examinations in the students’ life because it decides if they can carry on further study or study in better universities.The writing section is worth 20 % in the whole exam (Lian & Qin,2007).However,this appears to be the basic motivation of students; to improve their skills in just to complete examinations and to enable them to study in better universities,rather than due to an interest in the language (Yang,2006).Hence,according to Xiao (2000),the results of students studying in English education in China are seen by some to be less than satisfactory,and writing is still the main problem for Chinese EFL learners.   Moreover,according to Falk (1979),some teachers and learners hold inappropriate views of writing as they believe that if they can acquire the knowledge of grammar and vocabulary,then they can acquire the skill of writing.During the writing lesson,teachers may only pay attention to the grammar,vocabulary,and sentence structures which refer to the product approach instead of a varied and different genre of texts (Hedge,2000).Hence,learners may fail to connect grammatical knowledge to functional knowledge and not be able to improve their writing skill as a result of these inappropriate teaching methods and learning opinions.
  Furthermore,writing strategies can be another factor that causes the difficulty in writing.For example,few teachers of English in China appear to acknowledge that the process of writing is complicated and needs to be “both rhetorically and linguistically appropriate” (Firkins et al.,2007,p.341).According to Stein (1986),skilled writers spend more time planning writing text,organizing language and combining different kinds of knowledge into the writing,while poor writers only focus on the length of the writing task and fail to adopt the appropritate strategies for writng.
  In addition,the difficulties in writing can result from the role of first language transfer. Language transfer,according to Kwon (2006),is the way that an acquired knowledge of a language affects the knowledge and understanding of the new language.If the differences between first language and the second language interfere with the target language,it is considered negative transfer (Saville-Troike,2005).According to Mohan and Lo (1985,as cited in Gonzalez et al.,2001),during the development of writing,if the knowledge of syntax,lexicon,and discourse in the second language is markedly different from the learners’ first language,then the learners would experience more difficulties than the learners who have similar language to the second language in writing.
  Further accompanying all the problems stated above,the delay in feedback on writing assignment may be another concern in the ESL or EFL writing class.As Li (2006) state,marking writing assignment is time and energy consuming for the teachers,it is considered by many to be unfeasible for teachers to give feedback to all the learners immediately.Hence,some learners may not be able to improve their writing immediately after they finish,as when they receive their feedback for the writing assignment,they may have already forgetten the problems or questions they may have had during the process of writing,and merely discard their feedback on the writing assignment without reading (Li,2006).   Finally,with the development of new technologies,such as translation applications,people do not need to write for communication as they have done in the past.This reduction in the value of writing competence may reduce motivation on the learners’ behalf and reduce the opportunities that they have to practice writing as well (Guo,2004).Nowadays,if people need to communicate,they can make a phone call; send an email via the computer or send a text message from their cell phones.As language and technology develop,the skills of writing has diversifies,and is now different from actually holding a pen and writing on paper (Guo,2004).A question that is on the minds of researchers and English materials writers is,as the skills changes,how can English teaching keep up and still produce literate students.
  It is important for a language teacher to understand that the writing skil is a difficult language skill to mater.From the above discussion of the difficulties that learners face when trying to master the skill of writing,different effective approaches to teaching writing shall be applied in the classroom of second language teaching.The teacher needs to be as flexible as possible and use different approaches to support the students’ needs.In order to achieve effective teaching results,it is necessary to adapt the advantages of the different teaching writing approaches in the lessons.
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【摘 要】高校辅导员与学习导师在大学生的思想、生活和学习中具有至关重要的影响,同时也是班级的重要管理者。文章从高校辅导员与学习导师在班级管理上存在的“力量不均”和“管理单一”的现状和工作中存在的难点分析,试从加强沟通、建立共同的班级管理目标和发挥所长等途径加强班级上的协作管理,提高大学生的道德品质和专业能力。  【关键词】辅导员;学习导师;协作管理  作者:广州大学华软软件学院 计算机系,广州
【摘 要】通过阐述一次课间游戏意外发生之后的处理,结合案例回顾,进行案例反思,教师需要补充法律知识,沟通需要技巧;并进行设想,注意到处理问题的方法和细节后会让事情处理起来更简单;进一步思考,眼镜问题,教育无小事。  【关键词】法律知识;双方沟通;注意方法;注重细节;眼镜问题  作者:扬州汶河小学  一、案例回顾  一天课间,一个学生急匆匆地冲进我的办公室,告之我班上两个学生扶着脸上血流不止的小Y
【摘 要】从教学模式的作用和意义出发,从体育教学模式的特征、体育教学模式的发展,以及“接受学习”与“发现学习”的爭论三方面,对体育教学模式进行探讨,以期深入推进体育教学研究,提高体育教学质量。  【关键词】体育教学研究;体育教学模式;特征及发展  作者:辽宁省营口市卫生学校 辽宁营口 115000  任何研究都包括理论和实践两个部分,体育教学研究也不例外。体育教学理论的研究具有高度概括性和抽象性
现代教育家叶圣陶先生指出:“教师教各种学科,其最终目的在于达到不复需教,而学生能自为摸索、自求解决。”语文素养是学生学好其他课程的基础,也是学生全面发展和终身发展的基础。”这就要求教师应当把培养学生的学习能力贯穿于教学活中。在教学中要让学生做到“会学”,既要培养兴趣又要教会方法,从而切实提高学生的学习能力。那么在课堂教学中如何提高小学生学习语文的能力呢?  1 激发学习兴趣是提高语文学习能力  兴
【摘 要】语言来源于生活,在生活中学语文,这是“大语文教学观”的需要。识字、阅读、习作、口语交际都与现实生活紧密相连。在语文教学中,渗透学生的生活,使语文教学返朴归真,应让语文教学回归生活。同时生活又是学生学习的源泉,是课堂教学生活化的延伸。教学中,通过“由文到物,观察生活”、“创设情境,再现生活”、“走进社会,体验生活”等,从而引导学生走向社会,走向生活。  【关键词】观察;再现;体验;联系 
本文是基于跑步机上激励机制的设计研究,是通过观察用户的心理反应和结合互联网思维,通过交友平台为载体进行一系列的运动社交,将运动融入用户的社交生活中,以此增加用户的使用率,使跑步机以新的角色和定义出现在用户的社交生活中。除此之外,通过更多的互动体验,增加跑步的乐趣和体验,除去传统跑步机的枯燥和乏味。  一、跑步机的闲置现状  在上述人群中,并不是每个人都能坚持使用跑步机。在用户调查反馈中我们得到了一
【摘 要】当今快节奏的生活方式与职场的生存竞争压力,迫使越来越多各类女性们在日常的工作中离不开电脑、网络,这就导致她们大多数时间是以坐的姿势为主,缺乏必要的体力活动。时下的女性為了让自己能生活得更好,不仅仅会注重生活的品质,还会通过各种各样的运动来强壮自己的身体。从饮食到运动,科学的运动搭配正确的饮食才是当今健康女性标准,不仅满足女性对身材的需求还满足健康的需求。  【关键词】女性跑步机;现状;
【摘 要】从女装翻领结构的基本纸样入手,分析女装翻领的造型特征,并通过对弧弦长与翻领领宽、面料、造型等因素进行实验,从中归纳出影响女装翻领造型的影响因素,为翻领设计提供科学的依据。  【关键词】女装翻领;造型技术;影响因素  【基金项目】常熟理工学院《服装造型技术科研创新团队》项目,2015届本科毕业论文团队课题项目《女装局部造型技术研究》。  作者:常熟理工学院艺术与服装工程学院 江苏常熟 2
【摘 要】信仰教育作为思想政治教育重要组成部分,越来越受到社会的高度关注。然而,近年来大学生信仰教育的实效性却并不理想,大学生信仰缺失、迷失、异化现象已成为不容忽视的客观事实。本文分析了大学生信仰特点,探讨了提高大学生信仰教育实效性的途径。  【关键词】大学生;信仰教育;实效性;提升途径  作者:晋中学院 030600  信仰教育在高校思想政治教育体系中处于核心地位,其主要任务是对大学生进行马克
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