Locally accurate matrix product approximation to thermal states

来源 :科学通报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:drifter
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Classical simulation of quantum many-body systems is a funda-mental problem in computational physics.One difficulty is that a generic many-body state cannot even be represented in polyno-mial space because the dimension of the Hilbert space grows expo-nentially with the system size.Fortunately,many physically interesting states are non-generic and structured.It may be possi-ble to avoid the “curse of dimensionality” by exploiting their structure.rnIn one-dimensional quantum systems such as spin chains,matrix product state (MPS) methods,including the celebrated den-sity matrix renormalization group,are popular and numerically powerful[1].As the name suggests,an MPS is a data structure rep-resenting a many-body state by products of matrices.The dimen-sion of the matrices is called the bond dimension,which determines the space complexity or the number of parameters in the MPS.
Given that randomized studies testing the long-term impact of antithymocyte globulin (ATG) dosing are scarce,we report the results of an extended follow-up from the original trial.In our prospective,multi-center,randomized trial,408 leukemia patients 14-6
At Quesang on the Tibetan Plateau we report a series of hand and foot impressions that appear to have been intentionally placed on the surface of a unit of soft travertine.The travertine was deposited by water from a hot spring which is now inactive and a
Malacostracan crustaceans (order Malacostraca),such as crabs,lobsters,and shrimp,are essential secondary producers,as well as major carriers of viruses,in marine ecosystems and are widely dis-tributed from the intertidal belt to the deep seabed,functionin
通过在热模拟试验机Gleeble-1500上对SA508 Gr.3Cl.1钢进行变形温度为950~1200℃、应变速率为0.001~1 s-1的等温压缩试验,研究了其在高温热变形时的动态再结晶行为.基于P-J法确定了临界应力和临界应变,建立了其与热变形参数Z之间的数学模型.基于改进的Avrami方程建立了SA508 Gr.3Cl.1钢的动态再结晶动力学模型.以变形温度和应变速率为变量建立了动态再结晶尺寸模型.研究结果表明:SA508 Gr.3Cl.1钢在高温低应变速率下,更容易发生动态再结晶.在动态再结晶
This paper presents projections of climate extremes over China under global warming of 1.5,2,and 3 ℃above pre-industrial (1861-1900),based on the latest Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6(CMIP6) simulations.Results are compared with what produc
The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) [1,2] is the most promi-nent intraseasonal mode in the tropics and is characterized by a slow eastward phase speed,a planetary zonal scale and a period of 30-60 d.Although the main convection of the MJO is confined to t
Hematopoeitic stem cell transplantation (HSCr) using a hap-loidentical family donor (HAPLO) was long thought to be non-fea-sible,essentially because of HLA incompatibility leading to graft rejection,severe acute (aGVH) and chronic (cGVH) graft versus host
为探索铜/石墨载流摩擦副的安全服役环境,研究了不同湿度大气环境中石墨/紫铜配副的载流摩擦磨损性能.利用扫描电子显微镜、能谱和光学显微镜分析了磨损表面.研究结果表明:随着相对湿度从0%增加至80%,载流摩擦因数和接触电阻在30%湿度条件下达到最大值,然后呈下降趋势;石墨磨损量从0.2 mg增加至1.1 mg;铜盘磨损表面碳、铜原子数量比从0.554增加至0.852;导电接触面积从11.06 mm2增加至21.30 mm2.相对湿度为0%~30%时,相对湿度增大引起的毛细力导致摩擦因数增大,导电能力较差的石墨
In a recent measurement LHCb reported pronounced structures in the J/ψJ/ψ spectrum.One of the var-ious possible explanations of those is that they emerge from non-perturbative interactions of vector char-monia.It is thus important to understand whether it
Human skin possessing abundant thermal and mechanical receptors can distinctively perceive temperature and various mechanical deformations [1].Mimicking of skin has been emerging with the breakthrough in human-machine interfaces,automation,smart robotics,