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本期发表的两篇书评 ,都是以黄文雄的著作为评论对象。黄文雄 ,台湾高雄人 ,1 93 8年生 ,1 964年赴日留学 ,先后就读于早稻田大学、明治大学 ,获硕士学位 ;曾任日本台湾同乡会会长、世界台湾同乡会副会长、台独联盟日本本部重要干部 ,现任日本拓殖大学日本文化研究所客座教授 ;汉文著作和译本还有《台湾国家的条件》、《台湾国家的理想》、《中国的没落》、《满洲国的遗产》、《大东亚共荣圈的精神》、《威胁的中国、被骗的日本》等。此篇所评图书译者萧志强 ,现任台南社区大学讲师 ,还译有《台湾论》等。仅从这里评论的两种书即可看出 ,黄文雄根本不具史学研究者的基本素养 ,这样的著作不能称之为学术著作。但是 ,黄的著作却多次进入日本全国每周十大畅销书排行榜 ,可见影响之大 ,不能不引起史学研究者的重视。黄的著作是否在台湾也引起反响 ,不得而知。但从译者为《台湾论》译者这点来看 ,至少有人愿意迎合黄的观点。因此 ,尽管黄著并非学术著作 ,却有评论它以正视听的很大必要。这也是史学研究者为维护历史尊严而理应承担的责任。 Two book reviews published in this issue are based on Huang Wenxiong’s writings. Huang Wenxiong, a native of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, was born in 1983 and went to Japan to study in Japan in 1964. He studied at Waseda University and Meiji University and obtained a master’s degree. He used to be president of Japan’s Taiwan Association, Taiwan’s vice president of Taiwan Association, Major cadres at Japan headquarters are now visiting professors at the Japanese Culture Institute at Japan’s Takushoku University. His books and translations in the Chinese language include the conditions for Taiwan’s state, the ideal of Taiwan’s state, the decline of China, the legacy of Manchukuo, The spirit of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Circle, “” China in a threatening situation, and Japan being cheated. “ Xiao Zhiqiang, the translator of the book on this article, is currently a lecturer at Tainan Community University and translated ”Taiwan Theory.“ Only from the two kinds of books commented here can be seen that Huang Wenxiong does not have the basic literacy of historians, such a book can not be called an academic book. However, Huang’s works have repeatedly entered Japan’s top ten best-seller list every week. This shows that the impact is huge and can not but arouse the attention of historians. It is not clear whether Huang’s writings have repercussions in Taiwan. But from the point of view of the translator as a translator of ”Taiwan Theory," at least one person is willing to meet Huang’s point of view. Therefore, although Huang is not a scholarly book, there is criticism that it is necessary to look squarely at it. This is also what historians should shoulder to preserve the dignity of history.
由湖北省荆沙市农机化研究所研制 ,已获国家专利 ,并获市科技进步奖。适用于无前茬作物及棉麦间作地的点播 (棉花、豆类、玉米等作物 )、铺膜 ,也适用于中耕除草、化肥深施。