
来源 :齐鲁渔业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gnbsr
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80年代前,虽然鳀鱼资源丰富,但因利用价值低而在我国一直未被大规模开发利用。随着传统经济鱼类资源严重衰退,鳀鱼的利用价值日趋提高,人们对鳀鱼资源的开发越来越重视,鳀鱼由兼捕对象转为主捕对象。但从近年捕捞情况看,鳀鱼资源开始呈现过度捕捞现象,其特征是渔获群体组成低龄化、小型化,以鳀鱼为主食对象的鲅、鲐等几十种大型肉食性鱼类资源衰退,网次产量低等。笔者认为,保护鳀鱼资源已刻不容缓。以下围绕鳀鱼资源现状谈几个亟待解决的问题。 Before the 80s, although there are abundant mackerel resources, it has not been exploited in large scale in our country because of its low utilization value. With the severe recession of traditional economic fish resources, the utilization value of catfish is increasing day by day. People pay more and more attention to the exploitation of catfish resources. The catfish turns from catching up to the catching object. However, fishing conditions in recent years, catfish resources began to show overfishing phenomenon, which is characterized by the catching population composition of the younger, miniaturization, catfish as the staple food of 鲅, 鲐 dozens of large carnivorous fish resources decline , Net production is low. In my opinion, it is urgent to protect the mandarin fish resources. The following questions about the status of catfish resources to talk about several problems to be solved.
例1 女,6个月。半月前其母无意中发现患儿左侧腹部有一肿块,增大迅速,无发热、呕吐及腹痛。哺乳和大小便均正常。体检:T37℃,发育正常。浅表淋巴结无肿大,无恶液质,心肺阴性
20世纪六七十年代欧美乐坛人才辈出,而一批女性创作型歌手,更是让人耳目一新。其中琼·贝兹(Joan Baez),卡洛尔·金,(Ca role King)、琼尼·米切尔(Joni Mitchel