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为了保障广大中低收入家庭既买得起经济适用房,又住得起经济适用房。2000年4月,北京市物价局、市国土资源和房屋管理局颁布了《北京经济适用住房小区物业管理服务收费办法(试行)》。该办法规定,经济适用房的公共性物业管理费多层住宅最高不超过0.52元/平方米·月,服务范围包括公共区域的保洁费、保安费、绿化费、小修费、化粪池清掏费、小区日常管理费;高层住宅物业管理的服务范围除包括上述几项内容外,物业管理费中还包括电梯、水泵的运行维护费。 In order to protect the majority of low-income families can afford both affordable housing, but also affordable affordable housing. In April 2000, the Price Bureau of Beijing Municipality and the Municipal Land Resources and Housing Administration promulgated the Measures for Charges for Property Management Services of Beijing Affordable Housing Area (Trial Implementation). The approach stipulates that affordable housing public property management fee multi-storey residential maximum not exceeding 0.52 yuan / square meters, the scope of services including public area cleaning fees, security fees, green fees, minor repairs, septic tanks Qingtao Fees, community daily management fee; high-rise residential property management services in addition to including the above several items, the property management fee also includes the elevator, pump operation and maintenance costs.
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