又到了穿牛仔裤的季节。究竟怎么穿才能展现牛仔裤的特有风采,又不暴露身体的缺陷?以下是穿着牛仔裤的十大秘诀。一、对宽松型、布袋型和超大型牛仔裤应作何选择? 宽松型只是在臀部和大腿部位不太贴身、到膝盖又变得合身了,适合曲线明显的女性穿着。腰部束皮带的超大型,乃是故意大得不合身,适合身材高而瘦的人穿着。布袋型介于两者之间,臀部宽的女性穿起来特别性感,而个子矮小的人穿起来则更显矮小。二、怎样穿牛仔裤才使背面最好
Went to the season wearing jeans. How to wear jeans to show the unique style, without exposing the body defects? The following are the top ten tips wearing jeans. First, the loose type, bag-type and oversized jeans should be what to choose? Loose type only in the buttocks and thighs part of the body, to the knee has become fit, suitable for women with obvious curves. Waist beam belt oversized, but deliberately too fit, suitable for tall and thin people wearing. Between the two types of cloth bag, hip width of the women wear particularly sexy, while the short person to wear more dwarf. Second, how to wear jeans to make the best of the back