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党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争是关系党和国家生死存亡的大问题,党中央历来对此高度重视。1993年党中央就作出了加大反腐斗争力度的重大决策,以后每年都对党风廉政建设和反腐败工作进行专门研究。几年来,中央先后制定了《中国共产党纪律处分条例(试行)》、《中国共产党党员领导干部廉洁从政若干准则(试行)》、《关于党政机关县(处)级以上领导干部收入申报的规定》、《关于领导干部报告个人重大事项的规定》、《中共中央、国务院关于党政机关厉行节约制止奢侈浪费行为的若干规定》和《中华人民共和国行政监察法》等一系列加强党风廉政建设的法规和制度。各级党委、政府和部门认真贯彻执行党中央、国务院的部署和各项法规制度,并结合各自实际制定了领导干部党风廉政建设责任制、领导干部离任审计制、重大问题集体决策制等1400多项党风廉政规章制度。与此同时,各执纪执法机关也加强了反腐败 The building of a clean government and an anti-corruption struggle are major issues that affect the survival of the party and the country. The Central Party Committee has always attached great importance to this. In 1993, the party Central Committee made major decisions on intensifying its fight against corruption. Since then, it has conducted annual special studies on the work of building a clean government and fighting corruption. Over the past few years, the Central Government has successively formulated the “Regulations on the Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China (Trial)”, the “Guidelines on the Integrity of Political Leading Cadres of the Communist Party of China (Trial)” and the “Provisions on the Declaration of Incomes of Leading Cadres at or above the Party and Government Organizations” “And” Provisions on Leading Cadres in Reporting Personal Important Events, “” Several Provisions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Several Issues Relating to the Struggle of Party and Government in Strictly Preventing Extravagance and Waste, “and” The People’s Republic of China Administrative Supervision Law " Laws and regulations. Party committees, governments and departments at all levels conscientiously implemented the deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and various laws and regulations, and formulated the responsibility system for leading cadres in their work style of building a clean and honest government, the auditing system for leading cadres leaving their posts and the collective decision-making on major issues in light of their respective actual conditions More than 1,400 party rules and regulations. In the meantime, law enforcement agencies at various levels also stepped up their anti-corruption efforts
1994年11月5日,四川石柱土家族自治县新华书店,为十周年县庆挂彩灯,引起高低压线路发生相间短路事故,造成全城及部分重点企业停电长达7小时之久,直接经济损失达2万余元。 当