财政部 国家文物局关于颁发《国家重点文物保护专项补助经费使用管理办法》的通知

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各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)、文化厅(局)、文物局、文物管理委员会:为了进一步加强对国家重点文物保护专项补助经费的规范化管理,提高资金使用效益,根据《中华人民共和国文物保护法》和《文物事业单位财务制度》,我们重新修订了《国家重点文物保护专项补助经费使用管理办法》,现发给你们,请遵照执行。附件:国家重点文物保护专项补助经费使用管理办法 In order to further strengthen the standardized management of special subsidies for the protection of state key cultural relics and improve the efficiency of the use of funds, the Finance Bureau (bureau), the Cultural Affairs Bureau (bureau), the Cultural Relics Bureau and the Heritage Management Committee of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and cities specifically designated in the state plan: Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics and the Financial System of Cultural Relics and Institutions ", we have revised the Administrative Measures on the Use of Subsidies for Special State-protected Cultural Relics and are hereby granted to you for implementation. Attachment: Measures for the Administration of the Use of Subsidy Funds for the State Key Cultural Relics Protection
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介绍了高炉炉缸上部风口区冷却壁损坏后,通过安装铜柱冷却器,来增强此处的冷却强度;实践证明它是保证炉壳冷却、延长高炉寿命、护炉安全生产行之有效的措施。 After the failur
材料:废旧纸盒若干,裁纸刀、蜡笔或彩色水笔、胶带、线、尖头螺丝刀、剪刀。制作方法: ①将各种大小不一的纸盒拆开,剪成长80厘米、宽40厘米的纸板10块左右。②将这些剪好的
《神盖记》,原名《Szent Petor esseny(o|¨)je》,通译《圣彼得的伞》。是匈牙利作家米克沙特·卡尔曼(Mikezatis Kalman1847—1910)所著长篇小说。原著发表于1895年。这部小