汪洋副书记在看望省科委职工时指出 要进一步促进科技与经济的相互交融

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春节前夕,省委副书记、常务副省长汪洋,省人大副主任王秀智在省政府办公厅副主任邱江辉等陪同下,专程看望了省科委职工。 在听取了省科委主任施伟国关于1998年工作的简要汇报和1999年工作打算后,汪洋同志就1999年如何做好科技经济一体化,做好“面向”、“依靠”工作谈了几点要求。一、科技部门、科技工作者要认真学习经济,熟悉经济,尤其是要了解熟悉安徽的经济,做好宏观指导协调工作,为科技经济一体化创造条件。由于长期计划经济体制的约束,造成科技与经济严重脱节,科技界与经济界互不了解。近年来虽有所改善,但科技、经济“两张皮”的现象依然存在。为此,科技界一定要认真学习经济,特别是要充分了解安徽本地的经济,才能与经济很好地结合。如果科技界、经济界能相互了解,就能促进科技经济的相互交融,就能加快科技经济一体化进程。二、加大科技内部的改革力度, On the eve of the Spring Festival, Wang Yang, deputy provincial party secretary and executive deputy governor, and Wang Xiu-chi, deputy director of the provincial people’s congress, accompanied with Qiu Jianghui, deputy director of the provincial government’s general office, made a special trip to visit workers of the provincial Science and Technology Commission. After listening to Shi Weiguo, director of the Provincial Science and Technology Commission, on the brief report on the 1998 work and his plan for work in 1999, Comrade Wang Yang made several remarks on how to integrate science and technology and economy in 1999 and do a good job of “facing” and “relying on” work . First, science and technology departments and science and technology workers should conscientiously study economy and are familiar with economy. In particular, they should be familiar with Anhui’s economy, do a good job in guiding and coordinating macroeconomic activities, and create conditions for the integration of science and technology and economy. Due to the constraints of the long-term planned economic structure, the technology and economy are severely out of touch with each other, and the scientific and technological circles and the economic circles do not understand each other. Although improvements have been made in recent years, the phenomenon of “two skins” of science and technology and economy still exists. To this end, the scientific and technological community must study economy earnestly, in particular, to fully understand the local economy in Anhui, in order to combine well with the economy. If science and technology circles and economic circles can understand each other, they can promote the integration of science and technology and economy and speed up the process of science and technology economy integration. Second, to increase the reform within the science and technology,
水泵在工作过程中 ,常因功率过大耗能多 ,作业成本高而缩短其使用寿命。本文就产生的原因及解决方法做一分析 ,供参考。1 选型不当高扬程水泵当作低扬程水泵安装使用 ,使水泵
如果评点2003年的山东科技工作,区域科技创新当是一大关键词。而其焦点则是启动建设山东半岛高新技术产业带。 2003年9月,山东出台了《山东半岛高新技术产业带建设指导意见》
1999年 12月 2 1日至 2 4日我学会和大朝山水电有限责任公司在大朝山电站工地联合举办“碾压混凝土筑坝技术交流会”。这次会议采取在鲁布革电站召开的“高水头混流式机组技