
来源 :诊断病理学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cuichenyyy
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肾细胞癌的Fuhrman分级是根据细胞核大小、核形和核仁是否明显进行分级的。尽管Fuhrman分级在临床上得到了广泛应用,但其预后意义和诊断标准的可重复性仍存在争议。值得注意的是,很多病理学家在对肾细胞癌进行分级时只依据核仁的明显性进行评估,但这样做的有效性仍有待证实。本研究旨在探讨Fuhrman分级系统这3种形态成分之间的关系,如果有关的话,确定哪种形态成分与透明细胞性肾细胞癌的预后相关。 Fuhrman’s classification of renal cell carcinoma is based on whether the size of the nucleus, nucleus and nucleolus are significantly graded. Although the Fuhrman classification has been widely used in clinical practice, the prognostic significance and repeatability of diagnostic criteria are still controversial. It is noteworthy that many pathologists in the classification of renal cell carcinoma based only on the apparent significance of the nucleolus, but the effectiveness of this remains to be confirmed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the three morphological components of Fuhrman’s grading system and, if relevant, to determine which morphological components are associated with the prognosis of clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
Genus CC车座:可在3种刚性模式之间切换  为了满足大量更喜欢平顶型自行车车座骑行者的需求,拥有超过20年自行车产品开发经验的荷兰制造商Ere Research,与美国斯坦福大学从事人体工程学研究的专家合作,开发出完全用手工制作的Genus CC车座。由于采用碳纤维加强筋设计,该车座不但质量(重量)只有125 g,而且具有可调整性的张力以及独特的横向抗扭力,以上特性能帮助车座碳底在出现分离时