患儿,女、6a。因发热4d 伴双侧腮腺肿痛1d,抽搐1次入院。患儿4d 前开始发热,曾在当地医务室以上感用抗病毒及抗菌素治疗(何药不详),未见明显好转。翌日体温上升达38.5~39.5℃之间,随即送省儿童保健院作进一步诊治。入院当天早晨发现患儿双侧耳后肿胀疼痛,咀嚼时尤甚,伴有头痛、呕吐。入院前0.5h 突然抽搐一次,抽时双眼上翻,四肢抽动,历时1min 停止,急诊入院。追问病史,有“流行性腮腺炎”接触史。入院体检:体温39.5℃,神志清,精神软弱,颈部略亢,双侧腮腺肿大如鸡蛋大小,压痛(+),心肺未见异常,腹软,
Children, women, 6a. Due to fever 4d bilateral parotid swelling and pain 1d, convulsions 1 admission. 4d before the onset of fever in children, had a sense of the local medical office with antiviral and antibiotic treatment (what medicine is unknown), no significant improvement. The following day the body temperature rose between 38.5 ~ 39.5 ℃, then sent to the Provincial Children’s Hospital for further diagnosis and treatment. The morning of the day of admission found that children with bilateral ear pain after swelling, especially when chewing, accompanied by headache, vomiting. Sudden convulsions 0.5h before admission, eyes closed when pumping, limbs twitch, lasted 1min to stop, emergency admission. Asked history, there is “mumps” exposure history. Admission physical examination: body temperature 39.5 ℃, clear consciousness, weak spirit, mild neck, bilateral parotid gland swelling as egg size, tenderness (+), no abnormal heart and lung, abdominal soft,