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建宁县除四害运动,在县委“多快好省,速战速决灭四害”的方针指导下,发挥了广大群众无穷的智慧,创造、发现和运用了70多种既经济又有效的除四害工具和方法。尤其是许多消灭蚊蝇的野生植物,在运动中起了很大的作用。现将经过初步试验和鉴定后的9种野生植物的性状及其效力介绍如下: 一、樗树叶:土名“芑树”苦木科,樗属。落叶乔木,高达数丈,生于路边河旁。枝叶茂盛可遮日,叶互生,颇大,卵状披针形,尖端稍锐。当地群众常用此叶毒鱼。城关、溪口等地也有摘其叶放马桶内,谓可避蛆。县委第一书记王英賢同志,在枧头乡亲自与乡支部书记等人用来杀蛆,每个粪缸内放10斤左右青叶,一、二天后蛆全部死亡。溪口镇群众也有类似发现。试验结果:1.摘青叶10市斤,直接投入一个直径约2市尺容粪10担的含蛆粪缸内搅拌,24小时后40%的蛆死亡,48小时后90%的蛆死亡。2.取瓷碗10个,每碗盛含蛆之粪便2市斤,摘青叶3两捣爛倒 Jianning County, in addition to the four evil movements, under the guidance of the county party committee’s policy of “faster, faster, and faster decisively eliminating four harms”, has exerted the infinite wisdom of the broad masses, created, discovered and applied more than 70 kinds of economical and effective additions. Four harmful tools and methods. In particular, many wild plants that eliminate mosquitoes and flies have played a large role in the movement. The traits and their effects of the 9 wild plants that have undergone preliminary tests and evaluations are described below. I. Eucalyptus leaves: The soil name is “Eucalycidaceae” and the genus Euphorbiaceae. Deciduous trees, up to several feet in length, were born near the roadside river. The lush foliage can cover the sun, the leaves are alternate, and they are quite large. The ovules are lanceolate and slightly sharpened. The local people often use this leaf poisonous fish. City gates, Xikou and other places have also picked up their leaves and put them inside the toilet, saying that they can avoid the embarrassment. Comrade Wang Yinxian, First Secretary of the County Party Committee, used to kill the crickets in Shantou Township and the party secretary of the township branch. About 10 pounds of young leaves were placed in each manure tank. One or two days later all of them died. Xikou town people have similar findings. Test results: 1. Pick 10 leaves of green leaves, and directly put them into a bowl containing manure with a diameter of about 2 kiln and urine. After 24 hours, 40% of crickets were killed. After 48 hours, 90% of the crickets died. 2. Take 10 porcelain bowls. Each bowl contains 2 pots of feces. Pick the leaves 3 and smash it.
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