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近年来,在干部选拔任用工作中,干部任职期间所取得的工作实绩已经成为选拔干部、评判干部能力的重要标准。应该说,注重实绩的做法是比较合理的,它既体现出实绩的重要性,又与德才兼备原则相统一。然而,目前有些地方的组织部门在选拔任用干部时,过分强调“实绩”的重要性,提出了“凭实绩用干部”的口号,有的甚至直接了当“凭实绩定升迁”。这种做法是对干部选拔任用标准的曲解和断章取义,客观上存在不少危害性。一是极易引发急功近利行为,催生大量虚假政绩。当所谓实绩足以决定一个干部政治命运的时候,一些根基不牢、浮躁心气的人,就会想方设法谋求获取政 In recent years, in the process of selecting and appointing cadres, the achievements made during the tenure of cadres have become an important criterion for selecting and appraising the capabilities of cadres. It should be said that performance-oriented practice is more reasonable. It not only reflects the importance of performance but also integrates with the principle of both ability and political integrity. However, in the selection and appointment of cadres, the organizational departments in some parts of the country place undue emphasis on the importance of “actual performance” and put forward the slogan of “using cadres with actual performance”, and some even go directly to “ ”. This approach is the misinterpretation and out of context of the criteria for selecting and appointing cadres. There are many dangers objectively. One can easily lead to instant success and profit behavior, spawned a large number of false political achievements. When the so-called actual performance is enough to determine the political destiny of a cadre, some people who are unsound and impetuous will find ways to seek political power
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