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离休干部是我国干部群体中的一个特殊阶层。他们的特殊所在一句话就是为新中国的诞生建立了不可磨灭的历史功勋。“两个待遇”虽是在计划经济体制下提出的,但背景则是我国刚刚开始实行干部离退休制度。当时处在领导岗位上的老同志都经过了长期血与火的考验,因形势发展需要,他们要陆续从领导岗位上退下来,鉴于此,对离职休养的干部实行“政治待遇不变,生活待遇略为从优”的原则是应该的也是必要的。19年的实践证明了“两个待遇”不但保障了离休干部“老有所养,老有所学,老有所医,老有所乐”,体现了我们社会主义国家尊老敬老的社会美德,而且有力地推动了干部新老交替的进程,为建立干部离退休制度起到了积极的重要作用。但是,在建立社会主义市场经济的今天,是不是“两个待遇”过时了?离休干部可以不提了?笔者认为恰恰相反。首先,离休干部由他们的历史功绩决定了他们是我们国家的一笔宝贵财富。他们不但为建立新中国流血流汗,也为建设新中 Retired cadres are a special class in the cadre group in our country. Their special place is to create an indelible historical contribution to the birth of New China. Although the “two treatments” were put forward under the planned economic system, the background is that our country has just begun to implement the system of retirement of cadres. At that time, the old comrades in leadership positions had undergone the test of blood and fire for a long time. They needed to gradually withdraw from the leadership positions because of the development of the situation. In view of this, the cadres who resigned and recuperated practiced the principle of “political treatment unchanged and life The principle of ”slightly favored treatment“ is both necessary and necessary. The 19 years of practice have proved that the ”two treats“ not only guarantee the retired cadres’ old age-old education, old age learning, old age medical treatment and old age enjoyment, but also embody the social virtues of respecting and respecting the old in our socialist countries , But also vigorously promoted the process of replacing old cadres with cadres and played an active and important role in establishing a cadre retirement system. However, in setting up a socialist market economy today, is not ”two treatment" out of date? Retired cadres may not mention? I think the exact opposite. First, retired cadres, determined by their historical merit, are a valuable asset to our country. Not only did they shed blood and sweat in building a new China, they also built new ones
【摘要】残疾人是弱势群体的典型代表,他们需要全社会的共同关心和关爱,而残疾人社会救助是解决残疾人问题的最直接有效的办法。本文通过对阜阳市残疾人社会救助的调查研究,了解阜阳市残疾人的状况,分析阜阳市残疾人当前的需求情况,并在此基础上提出相应的对策和建议。  【关键词】残疾人 社会救助  残疾人是指在心理、生理、人体结构上,某种组织、功能丧失或者不正常,全部或者部分丧失以正常方式从事某种活动能力的人。
We investigated the reappraisal and the time course of negative emotion regulation by performing event-related potential (ERP) recordings. We found that negativ