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目的探讨手足口病发病情况及临床特征。方法回顾分析我院2008年5-9月诊治手足口病患者的临床资料,从性别、年龄、临床表现、并发症、辅助检查等方面进行分析。结果213例手足口病患者中,男性略多于女性。年龄最大300个月(25岁),最小3个月,平均29个月,年龄8~36个月发病人数最多(90.14%);多数有发热(77.00%),平均热程3.5d,最长9d;合并支气管肺炎41例(19.25%);可伴有恶心、呕吐、咳嗽;少数病例出现易惊、肢体抖动。实验室检查血白细胞、血小板升高多见,空腹血糖升高占6.1%,心肌酶谱异常常见,可出现ALT异常。本组患者治愈212例,无后遗症,住院时间3~22d,平均7.4d。死亡1例,病程4d,第3天出现脑炎并右肢体瘫痪,12h后出现肺水肿、心衰死亡。结论手足口病为儿科常见病之一,极大多数病情较轻,预后良好。常见并发症为支气管肺炎;可出现心肌受损及肝功能受损;未发现肾功能损害;出现中枢神经系统损害时易发展为重症,并发肺水肿时病情进展快,预后不良,应早期干预治疗。 Objective To investigate the incidence and clinical characteristics of hand-foot-mouth disease. Methods A retrospective analysis of our hospital from May to September 2008 diagnosis and treatment of hand, foot and mouth disease in patients with clinical data, from the gender, age, clinical manifestations, complications, laboratory examinations and other aspects of analysis. Results 213 cases of hand, foot and mouth disease patients, men slightly more than women. The oldest was 300 months (25 years), the youngest was 3 months, the average was 29 months, and the age was from 8 to 36 months. The incidence was the highest (90.14%); the majority had fever (77.00%), the average heat duration was 3.5 days, 9d; merger of bronchial pneumonia in 41 cases (19.25%); may be associated with nausea, vomiting, cough; a few cases of easy to shock, limb jitter. Laboratory tests of white blood cells, platelet more common, elevated fasting blood glucose accounted for 6.1%, abnormal myocardial enzymes, ALT abnormalities may occur. This group of patients cured 212 cases, no sequelae, hospital stay 3 ~ 22d, an average of 7.4d. 1 case of death, duration of 4d, encephalitis on the 3rd day and paralysis of the right limb, pulmonary edema after 12h, heart failure. Conclusion Hand-foot-mouth disease is one of the most common pediatric diseases, most of which are mild and have a good prognosis. Common complications of bronchial pneumonia; can occur myocardial damage and impaired liver function; found no renal impairment; central nervous system damage prone to develop severe disease complicated by pulmonary edema progressed rapidly, the prognosis is poor, should be early intervention .
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