Study on Mature Age of an Individual Quercus acutissima

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  Abstract Based on the study of parse wood materials, the fitting empirical equation of tree growth was obtained, a function with tree growth as a variable and time as an independent variable. Through mathematical operations such as function derivation, the mature age of tree growth was obtained, and the obtained mature age for the actual forest of Quercus acutissima was 66a. And the application, research directions and precautions of the mature ages were proposed.
  Key words Mature age; Empirical equation; Parse wood
   In forestry production, the formulation of cutting quotas and cutting area design must first meet the problem of the maturity age of trees. However, Shandong Forestry has done less work on the basics of the number table. Most of them use foreign or national standards, and remain unchanged for decades, which will inevitably cause great deviations. In this paper, by using the data of parse wood materials, the maturity ages of Quercus acutissima forest were studied. Q. acutissima is one of the representative climax vegetation species in ecological succession in Shandong Province, but it has been seriously damaged. Therefore, it is of great significance to explore the mature age of Q. acutissima.
  Data Sources
  Q. acutissima resources are quite scarce, and most of them are young and middleaged forests and residual secondary forests. Due to limited funding, the previous survey materials were used in the paper. The parse wood materials were collected from a 30yearoldtree of Q. acutissima with normal growth from Pingdu City on November 11, 1983. The diameter at bread height (DBH) was measured in the section of 2.6 m, and other parameters were measured in the section of 2 m. Round circles were intercepted a the tree height of 5 cm (circle 0), 1.3 , 3.6 , 5.6 , 7.6 , 8.6, 10.6 and 11.6 m, and the circles were strictly interpreted in accordance with the technical requirements of parsing wood. Relevant information was collected with the ageclass of 2 years.
  Research Methods
  In order to save research costs, based on the analysis of parse wood data, fitting tests were conducted to various regression equations using previous research[1-3] by referring to previous research methods and processes[4-5] and research results[6]. Finally, the following mixed empirical equation was adopted to study the growth of the tree:
  y(t) =ea-b/t
  Where, a, b are the exponential parameters of the function to be solved; e is the base of natural logarithm 2.718 28...).   The growth of trees is affected by various factors, but the growth of Q. acutissima was greatly affected by the precipitation volume and uniformity of spatial and temporal distribution. Based on the empirical equations to fit the process of tree growth, the quantitative mature age of ground diameter growth was obtained by getting the maximum age from ground diameter fitting equation (including the equations generated by the derivatives, expressed in the research process), the mature age of tree height growth was obtained by getting the maximum age from the tree height fitting equation.The same method was used to get the quantitative mature ages for the growth of DBH, DBH square, tree height, wood volume.
  Research Process
  Based on years of practical experience, comparative tests were carried out to the application of unit dimension. The results showed that the smaller the dimension (unit), the closer it was to the actual situation, the higher the accuracy and reliability of the test. However, considering the limitation of test conditions, it would be better to measure the observed data accurately to 0.1 mm in all aspects, because the smaller the dimension, the more precise instruments would be needed to increase the accuracy, which would increase the working costs by hundreds of times to achieve research accuracy and coincide with the actual situation. On the other hand, as long as the significant figures reached the correlated digits, the effect would be small on the test results. Although there may be slight deviation, no impact would be done to the expression of the true value.
  A linear equation was obtained by taking the logarithm of the tree growth equations, which was then used to get the values of parameters a, b. The Ftest and correlation coefficient R test of the 2 parameters were performed[2]. Through the tests, the tree growth fitting equations were established (Table 1). As shown in Table 1, in addition to ground diameter with the reliability close to 90%, the fitting equations for other items all passed the Ftest and Rtest with the reliability of 90% (both DBH and DBH square had the reliability exceeding 95%, and both fitting equations for wood volume exceeded 99%), indicating that this mathematical model (the empirical fitting equation) was applicable as a whole. All items passed the correlation coefficient Rtest with reliability of 99.9%, suggesting that the fitting equation relationship was established. The obtained maximum time of current annual increment and quantitative mature age of trees from the fitting equations were illustrated with the ground diameter as an example. For the equation of growth rate of ground diameter (current annual increment was completed by the derivation of the function Y(t) in Table 1, and only the extreme point was given in the paper), the extreme point tz=2.7 a, that is, the current annual increment reached the peak when the tree reached 3 years old or so, and the peak was a single one. For the equation of average growth rate of trees Y(t)/t (annual average increment, and only the extreme point was given in the paper), the extreme point tm=5.47 a, so the quantitative mature age of the tree was 5.47 a. In this paper, only the fitting equations for ground diameter were stated, and all other fitting equations were done in the same way. The meanings were all the same for growth fitting equation, tree growth rate equation, tree average growth speed equation, so were the meanings of symbols of tz, tm. Therefore, the calculation results were given directly in the paper. The quantitative mature ages of each item were shown in Table 1. As shown in Table 1, the parameter values were doubled compared with the values of the indicators and the squares of the indicators, but the accuracy was equal to the Ftest values and Rtestvalues. This was caused by the exponential mathematical relationship. This fitting equation was established specifically to compare with the accumulation fitting equation. However, the fitted value of accumulation mature age was quite close to the fitted values of DBH square and DBH mature age, and the mature age for ground diameter was very close to the mature age of tree height, which was quite coincident. In Table 1, the values of tn were the ages at the intersection points of the curves of current annual increments and annual average increments of the sample wood (wood volume was obtained from the tendency chart of growth curve), which could be used as the actual mature ages of the tree. In addition to wood volume (fitting values of the equation for wood volume 2) and tree height, which had close values to those of tm, the ground diameter and DBH square also had close values to those of tm, and the values of ground diameter were close to 1 times of those of DBH. Therefore, the empirical equation was more applicable for wood volume, and the results were more reliable. Concerning with the maturity of trees, the major factor was the maturity of wood volume, and thus, according to the research results and the needs for production practice, it was more suitable to set the mature age of accumulation volume as the mature age of the tree.   Conclusion and Application
  Through the analysis on the research results, the quantitative maturity of accumulation volume was used as the actual mature age of the tree, which was 47 a for Q. acutissima. The division of the age groups was shown in Table 2.
  The results showed that the cutting (regenerating cutting) age of Q. acutissima stand should be 47-66 a, which was 4 years younger than the original standard, reducing by 7.8%, and it was of great positive and practical significance for the rational arrangement of forestry production.
  The original standard mature age was 51a, mainly referring to the national standard, and it was made using a 10year age class standard. On the other hand, in this study, the research conclusion was made using 2 years as the age class, so some deviations are inevitable. With the decrease of tree age, the research results should be closer to reality. Therefore, with the passage of time, appropriate adjustments should be made according to actual local conditions. Moreover, as a representative climax tree species in vegetation succession in Shandong Province, Q. acutissima should be widely used in the greening of barren mountains in Shandong Province. Its carbon sequestration level tops all other kinds of tree species in Shandong Province, so it is of great positive practical significance to explore its growth law. In this study, the dimension has been made flexible use of to solve the problem, and the applicability of dimension changes have been pointed out. Especially, with the volume decreasing, the value of energy parameter b and fitting accuracy of the equation remain unchanged, only the value of a changes regularly (Table 1 only gives the fitting equation with higher test accuracy which are closer to the reality, the others omit).In this way, it makes it possible to obtain the mature age of trees through equation fitting based on the analysis and judgment of growth curve tendency when there is a lack of observation data of tree age class of 32-44 years and above. Thus, the maturity of trees can not remain the change, unchanged, and if conditions permit, some fitting equation tests can be made to find out the mature age which is more suitable for the local situation, so as to better guide forestry production, which is very important. In this study, due to the difficulty in collecting tree samples and the limited funds, empirical equation is used to fit the growth of parse wood materials to make up for the insufficient ages of parse wood, which also avoid the noise effects of the spacetime differences of natural conditions and tree differentiation on the test results. The obtained actual mature age of Q. acutissima forest stand has been verified repeatedly. The analysis and judgment on the results show that the empirical equation does fit the growth of trees, but it is hard to make scientific explanations. Due to limited time and capability, various deviations are inevitable, which can only be improved and developed in the future production research practice. The proposed forestry production suggestions only represent personal opinions. After all, the conclusion is obtained by analyzing the parse wood materials of an individual tree, and can only be applied after being approved by relevant experts and tested by production practice. The limitation of this study lies in the lack of high ageclass observation data, funding and time, so there are some uncertainties. To solve these problems, it is necessary to increase the investment of human and material resources, and it is hoped that interested colleagues can set up more detailed and scientific research topics.
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  Editor: Na LI Proofreader: Xinxiu ZHU
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