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多出成果、多出人才是中科院50年发展历程的写照。正是由于中科院拥有一大批国际知名的优秀科学家及其创造出的一大批重要的科研成果,才奠定了中国科学院在推动我国科技进步和国家经济、社会发展过程中所处的重要历史地位。在知识创新工程试点工作进入重要阶段的今天,更要重视人才的培养。要注意发挥老、中、青三代科技人员各自不同的作用。在当前,特别要注意发挥老科学家的指导作用、中年科学家的骨干作用和青年科学家的创新作用。在稳定和吸引人才方面,中科院正在实施的“百人计划”、“西部之光”等一系列吸引和培养人才的重大举措,大大加快了人才的成长,收到了预期的效果。中科院45岁以下高级职称人员虽然只占全国总人数的8%,但获国家杰出青年基金、香港求是青年学者奖、中国青年科学家奖的人数均占全国的40%左右。在“973”首席科学家中,中科院占50%以上。在“九五”攀登预选项目首席科学家中,中科院超过了60%。6年来,有282 More results, more talent is a portrayal of 50 years of development history of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is precisely because CAS holds a large number of internationally renowned and outstanding scientists and a large number of important scientific research achievements that it has laid that have laid an important historical position for the Chinese Academy of Sciences in promoting China's scientific and technological progress and the country's economic and social development. Today, when the pilot project of knowledge innovation project has entered an important stage, more attention should be paid to the cultivation of qualified personnel. We should pay attention to giving play to the different roles played by the scientific and technical personnel of the three generations of old, middle and young people. At the moment, special attention should be paid to giving play to the guiding role of veteran scientists, the backbone of middle-aged scientists and the innovative role of young scientists. In terms of stabilizing and attracting talented people, the Chinese Academy of Sciences is implementing a series of important measures to attract and train qualified personnel such as the “Hundred Talents Plan” and the “Western Light”, which have greatly accelerated the growth of qualified personnel and received the expected results. Chinese Academy of Sciences, who hold only 45% of the senior professional titles, account for only 8% of the country's total population. However, they have won about 40% of the national awards of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, Hong Kong Qiu Si Young Scholar Award and the Chinese Young Scientists Award. Among the chief scientist of “973 ”, Chinese Academy of Sciences accounts for more than 50%. In the “95 ” climbing pre-selection project chief scientist, Chinese Academy of Sciences more than 60%. In six years, there are 282
1 前言粉体喷射搅拌法(简称粉喷法)是将水泥、石灰粉等干粉用压缩空气输送到软土地基中,与地基土强行拌合,使粉料与软土充分发生物理化学反应,形成坚硬、连续、水稳性的柱状