
来源 :四川农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongfsq
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随着施氮量和栽培密度增加,小麦纹枯病的发生面积和危害程度日益加重。防治本病生产上除采用适当密植,合理施肥,防除杂草等农业防病措施外。在药剂防病方面,以井岗霉素的效果最为理想。为了寻找更多的有效药剂品种,1985年作者进行了室内和田间药剂筛选试验。药剂:15%粉锈灵可湿性粉剂(宜宾农药厂生产);3%井岗霉素乳剂(浙江东阳农药厂);35%广菌灵可湿性粉剂(什邡农药厂制);70%托布津可湿性粉剂(日本)。供试小麦品种为绵阳11。 1、室内抑菌试验:采用培养基加药法。将 With the increase of nitrogen application rate and planting density, the occurrence area and the degree of harm of wheat sheath blight became more and more serious. Prevention and treatment of this disease in addition to the production of appropriate close planting, rational fertilization, weed control and other agricultural disease prevention measures. In the pharmaceutical disease prevention, the best effect of Jinggangmycin. In order to find more effective varieties of medicaments, in 1985, the author conducted indoor and field pharmacy screening experiments. Pharmacy: 15% powder rust Ling WP (Yibin Pesticide Factory production); 3% Jinggangmycin emulsion (Zhejiang Dongyang Pesticide Factory); 35% Spirulina WP (Shifang Pesticide Factory); 70% Topaz Wettable powder (Japan). The test wheat varieties Mianyang 11. 1, indoor antibacterial test: the medium plus drug method. will
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如果说,透过哪种现象才能形象而准确地折射出共和国60年走过的不平凡历程?恐怕没有什么艺术形式能够像歌曲这样——既能记录社会变迁,又能紧扣时代脉搏。  回顾建国以来那些恒久流淌在人们心底的歌声,仿佛一条深情涌动的历史长河,荡激出万千气象的时代画面。    50年代——唱响于50年代的歌曲是号角,是战鼓。是建设新中国,恢复生产力的强大精神力量;只有为数不多优美抒情的电影歌曲,成为那个朴素年代惟一的浪爱
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
CHINESE music is as old as Chinese civilization. Traditional music is based on the pentatonic scale, and is melodic instead of harmonic. Despite the sheer domin