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“可持续发展”是当今世界各国共同关注的重要问题 ,尤其是人均资源溃乏的我国更应重视。而信息产业由于其本身低能耗、高效益特点不仅符合可持续发展的要求 ,而且还对整个国民经济的可持续发展起着催化、粘合剂的促进作用。因此 ,应加大我国信息产业的发展力度 ,扩大规模 ,增加其比重 ,特别要大力发展网络经济 ,以便更快更好地促进一、二、三产业的可持续发展 “Sustainable development” is an important issue of common concern to all countries in the world today. In particular, our country should pay more attention to the problem of per capita resources. Because of its own low energy consumption and high efficiency, the information industry not only meets the requirements of sustainable development, but also plays a catalytic and adhesive role in the sustainable development of the entire national economy. Therefore, the development of China’s information industry should be stepped up to expand its scale and increase its proportion. In particular, it is necessary to vigorously develop the network economy in order to promote the sustainable development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries faster and better
The method of numerical simulation was applied to investigate the effects of jet impinging plate thickness and its thermal conductivity on the local heat flux d
朗讯科技公司贝尔实验室总裁在前不久贝尔中国研究院成立时,曾对因特网未来发展趋势作出七大预测: 一、到公元2025年,我们生活的地球将披上一层“通信外壳”,这层外壳将由热
儿子三周岁了,我却觉得越来越不会教育他了:他想听故事的时候,就是晚上十一点也睡意全无,直缠着你讲那些从头到尾都翻遍的故事,讲故事就讲故事吧,还挑三拣四,不想听这 My so
孩子年龄小,他们常常会为了一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事产生矛盾,发生争执,甚至动手,这是常有的事。家长要以平常心对待孩子与同伴间的矛盾和冲突。 Children are young and they of
The new magnesium alloy rolling material,which has the same room temperature formability as aluminum alloy,was developed by National Institute of Advanced Indus