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针对承钢含钛高炉渣黏度大、渣铁分离较差、硬度较高难磨等问题,开展了降低炉渣黏度和硬度的研究。结果表明:随着CaF2添加量的增加,炉渣黏度由1.632 Pa·s降到0.880 Pa·s;随着除尘灰添加量的增加,炉渣黏度先由1.632 Pa·s降到1.104 Pa·s,再由1.104 Pa·s升到1.296 Pa·s;随着煤粉灰添加量的增加,炉渣黏度先由1.632 Pa·s降到1.024 Pa·s,再由1.024 Pa·s升到1.664 Pa·s;含钛高炉渣水冷、急冷、缓冷三种冷却方式中,随着冷却速度的变慢,钙钛矿析出量成增加趋势;含钛高炉渣水冷状态下,原渣和添加2%煤粉灰,钙钛矿析出区域较少,添加CaF_2的炉渣钙钛矿析出区域较大;含钛高炉渣急冷状态下,随着CaF_2添加量增加,钙钛矿析出量呈现变多长大趋势,相反添加2%煤粉灰,钙钛矿析出量反而减少;含钛高炉渣缓冷状态下,随着CaF_2添加量增加,钙钛矿析出量呈现变多长大趋势,相反添加2%煤粉灰,较原渣而言钙钛矿析出量无明显变化。 In view of the problems such as the high viscosity of the bearing titanium slag, the poor separation of the slag and iron and the high hardness, the research on reducing the viscosity and hardness of the slag is carried out. The results show that with the increase of CaF2 content, the viscosity of slag decreases from 1.632 Pa · s to 0.880 Pa · s. The viscosity of slag decreases from 1.632 Pa · s to 1.104 Pa · s with the addition of dedusting ash From 1.104 Pa · s to 1.296 Pa · s. With the increase of coal ash addition, the slag viscosity decreased from 1.632 Pa · s to 1.024 Pa · s and then from 1.024 Pa · s to 1.664 Pa · s. Titanium-bearing blast furnace slag water cooling, quenching, slow cooling three cooling methods, with the cooling rate becomes slower, precipitation of perovskite tends to increase; titanium-containing blast furnace slag water cooling state, the original slag and add 2% coal ash , The perovskite precipitation area is less, and the precipitated area of ​​the perovskite with CaF_2 addition is larger. With the increase of the CaF_2 content, the precipitation of perovskite increases with the increase of CaF_2 content, 2% ash and perovskite precipitates decreased. In the slow cooling state of titanium-bearing blast furnace slag, the amount of perovskite precipitated increased with the increase of CaF_2 addition. On the contrary, 2% No significant change in the amount of perovskite precipitation compared with the original slag.
2013年10月15日上午,特雷克斯BICES 2013新闻发布会在九华山庄举行。特雷克斯集团董事长兼首席执行官罗纳德·迪福,特雷克斯中国总裁肯·罗斯伯格,特雷克斯起重机总裁提姆福
我馆现藏181个全宗均建有全宗卷。近几年来,我们注重对这些全宗卷进行充实、改善,使之在馆藏档案的综合利用过程中充分发挥作用。我们改善全宗卷的做法是: 一、明确成份充实
《荆楚明珠钟祥》展览陈列馆,经过三个月的紧张筹备,近日对外开放,接待参观。 钟祥市是国务院批准命名的国家级历史文化名城,是全国科技工作先进市、全国文化工作先进市、全