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二十多年前,我们这个人口不到十二万的山区小县,光是县文联登记的文学会员,竟然超过一百人,号称一百零八将。一半拿文学当饭吃,一半拿文学当药吃。我和东方红,既当饭又当药。就吃饭而言,东方红吃得痛快欢畅,我则半饥半饱消化不良;就吃药而言,东方红吃对了药,我则吃错了药。千万不要以为东方红是笔名,乃百分百原汁原味的原名。他家世代复姓东方,父亲是个大老粗,也是个穷光蛋,还是个短命鬼。他这辈子对儿子的最大贡献,是为他取了个响当当红彤彤的好名。东方红诞生艰难,从晚上九点一直折腾到次日黎明,才洇着鲜血,慢慢腾腾挤出母亲吞吞吐吐的子宫这是个漫长 Twenty years ago, as a literary member of the county Federation of Literary and Art Circles, we, a mountainous county with a population of less than 120,000, even numbered over 100, claiming to be 108. Half take literary meal to eat, half take literary medicine to eat. I Dongfanghong, both when the medicine and medicine. In terms of eating, the oriental red eat happy, I am half hungry full of indigestion; to take medicine, the East Red eat the right medicine, I eat the wrong medicine. Do not think Dongfanghong is a pen name, but 100% authentic original name. His family name surname East, his father is a big brother, but also a poor life, or a short-lived ghost. His greatest contribution to his son in his life was to take a good name for him. Dongfanghong difficult birth, from nineteen at night has been tossing dawn the next day, only with blood, slowly squeeze out the mother’s haggard uterus is a long
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