
来源 :四川医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bianyuantuifei
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我所于1986年底和北医大共同承担了国家“七五”科技攻关课题《中国0~14岁儿童智力低下(MR)流行学调查》,现将我省调查结果报告如下。方法一、调查对象:调查对象是家庭户中0~14岁儿童。调查时点为1988年5月1日零时。二、样本含量和抽样方法:按国内公认MR最低患病率为1%估算,样本含量约为6000名儿童,全省城乡总样本约为1.2万儿童。抽样方法系根据“分层、不等比例、多阶段、随机整群”抽样原则,在全省(除少数民族地区)城乡抽中了省会成都、省辖市自贡、上等县广汉、中等县内江、下等 At the end of 1986, we shared with Beihuan University the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” scientific and technological project “Mental retardation (MR) epidemiology of children aged 0-14 in China”. The survey results of our province are reported as follows. Method One, the survey: survey respondents are 0-14 years old children in the family. The investigation was conducted at 0:00 on May 1, 1988. Second, the sample size and sampling methods: According to the nationally recognized MR minimum prevalence of 1% of the estimated sample size of about 6,000 children, the province’s total sample of urban and rural areas is about 12,000 children. The sampling method was based on the sampling principle of “stratification, unequal proportion, multi-stage and random cluster”, and collected the provincial capital Chengdu, Zigong provincial cities, Guanghan middle county, middle county Neijiang, inferior
本研究旨在确定化肥厂排出物对印度Periyar河中两种水藻的可能影响。本实验选用两种人工培养的淡水藻类:谷皮菱形藻(Nitzschia Palea)和卵泡藻(Oocystis Pusilla),从Periyar