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目的 :了解北京市基层一、二级医院医生获取新的医学知识的主要途径 ,及其在临床实践中解决问题的主要方式。分析影响基层医生将知识转化为临床能力的因素。方法 :北京市海淀区和朝阳区 4 2家基层医院 (包括二级医院 9家 ,一级医院 17家 ,乡卫生院 16家 )共计 6 32名内科系列的医生 ,采用问卷调查方式 ,进行继续医学教育和临床能力调查。结果 :1 基层医生获取医学知识的主要途径中“参加院外市级或区级继续教育培训”排在第一位 (4 4 % ) ,其次是阅读专业期刊书籍 (2 2 % )和上级医生指导 (15 % )。 2 .高级职称医生中通过阅读获取知识的比例明显高于初中级职称的医生。 3.当在临床实践中遇到问题时 ,高级职称医生最常用的解决途径为“查看有关疾病的诊疗指南”、“查看相关书籍、期刊” ,而中低职称医生解决的主要途径为“请教上级医生”、“查看有关疾病的诊疗指南”。 4 .基层医生认为影响诊疗水平提高的原因为“缺乏学习时间”(34% )和“缺乏专家的实际指导”(33% )。 5 .基层医生认为目前继续教育系统存在的问题包括 :与临床实际联系不足 ,且内容重复、陈旧 ,授课时间和地点不合理 ,授课形式枯燥。结论 :1.继续医学教育课程是基层医生获取临床知识的主要途径。 2 .该系统课程设置、教学方式、教学? OBJECTIVE: To understand the main ways for doctors in primary and secondary hospitals in Beijing to acquire new medical knowledge and the main ways to solve the problems in clinical practice. Analyze the factors that affect the physician’s ability to translate knowledge into clinical ability. Methods: A total of 632 medical doctors were enrolled in 42 primary hospitals (including 9 secondary hospitals, 17 primary hospitals and 16 township hospitals) in Haidian and Chaoyang districts of Beijing. The questionnaires were used to continue Medical education and clinical ability survey. Results: 1 The primary way to obtain medical knowledge of primary care physicians is to take the first place (44%) in continuing education and training outside the city or district level, followed by the reading of books (22%) and instruction from higher level doctors (15%). 2. The proportion of doctors with high professional titles who acquire knowledge through reading is significantly higher than that of doctors with junior and mid-level titles. 3. When encountering problems in clinical practice, the most commonly used solution to the problem of senior professional doctors is “See the diagnosis and treatment guidelines for diseases”, “View relevant books and periodicals”, and the main way for doctors with medium and low professional titles to solve is “Ask Superior doctors ”,“ see the diagnosis and treatment of the disease guidelines. ” The reasons for the increase in the level of diagnosis and treatment are considered to be “lack of study time” (34%) and “lack of practical guidance from experts” (33%). The primary physicians think the existing problems in the continuing education system include: lack of contact with the actual clinical practice, repetitive and obsolete content, unreasonable time and place of lectures, boring teaching forms. CONCLUSION: 1. Continuing medical education is the primary way for primary doctors to acquire clinical knowledge. 2. The system curriculum, teaching methods, teaching?
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【内容摘要】本文对初中学生对政治学习不感兴趣的原因进行了分析,并就如何在初中政治教学中实施兴趣教学,提高初中政治教学的有效性,提出了一些可行性措施,希望能给初中政治教学以有益的启示。  【关键词】初中政治教学 兴趣教学 措施  现阶段初中政治教学存在的最大问题,就是部分课堂仍旧受应试教育的影响,存在着政治教学为中考服务的倾向,单纯地围绕中考进行教学。因此,针对初中政治教学中存在的问题,分析学生缺乏