
来源 :江西图书馆学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangcquan
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The aim of this paper is to evaluate the worldwide variation of deep and ultra-deep earthquakes (DQ and UDQ) during the period 1996-2017. This project found onl
The radiation fields generated when a charged particle is incident on or moving away from a perfectly conducting plane are obtained. These fields are known in t
<正> 铅山县永平镇文化站图书室现有各类图书2500余册,订有报纸13种,期刊23种。外借图书和期刊均分类编目、整齐有序地放在9个半开架式的书架上;两个大报架上夹着爽目的新到
Oxygen isotope (δ18O) serves as paleothermometer, and provides paleotemperature for carbonates. δ18O signature was used to estimate the temperature of fractio
Klaxon Signals将LED技术添加到Nexus系列声光报警产品中。这种技术应用在小电流消耗及同时闪光的可靠度是非常重要的,新型声光报警器通过一个10~60V(直流)供电,使得它非常适合火
The stimulation of the human sensory receptors by compounds present in virgin olive oils (VOOs) gives rise to the sensory attributes that describe its particula
<正> 纽约一家出版社开始印制一套迥非寻常的科学百科全书,它除了通常的文字和插图以外,还附了有声电视磁带录象。这有助于读者更完整、有效地了解书中内容。
Two independent atlases agree that in the northwest Indian Ocean the sea surface temperatures cool down markedly in the spring and also that they have a signifi