Cobalt Deposits in the Central China Orogenic Belt

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lnnyhonyy
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Cobalt mostly occurs as an associated metal in Cu-Ni sulphide deposits, skarn Fe-Cu-Pb-Zn deposits and volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VHMS) or sedex deposits. There are different types of cobalt deposits in the Central China orogenic belt. In the Tamu-Kalangu Mississippi-valley type Pb-Zn deposits, many cobalt-nickel sulphide minerals were found. The cobalt content of the ore is 0.064%-0.46% in sedex-type Kendekeke Fe-Pb-Zn-Au deposits, and cobalt sulphide veins with Co contents of 4%-9% have also been found. About 28000 tons of cobalt reserves were delineated in the Dur’ngoi Cu-Co-Zn deposit of VHMS type in the A’nyemaqen Mountains. It is considered that the exploration potential for cobalt is attractive in this district, especially in sedex-type deposits and Co-rich sulphide veins in sedex-type Fe, Cu and Pb-Zn deposits and their surroundings. Cobalt mostly occurs as an associated metal in Cu-Ni sulphide deposits, skarn Fe-Cu-Pb-Zn deposits and volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VHMS) or sedex deposits. There are different types of cobalt deposits in the Central China orogenic belt. The cobalt content of the ore is 0.064% -0.46% in sedex-type Kendekeke Fe-Pb-Zn-Au deposits, and Cobalt sulphide veins with Co contents of 4% -9% have also been found. About 28000 tons of cobalt reserves were delineated in the Dur’ngoi Cu-Co-Zn deposit of VHMS type in the A’nyemaqen Mountains. It is considered that the exploration potential for cobalt is attractive in this district, especially in sedex-type deposits and Co-rich sulphide veins in sedex-type Fe, Cu and Pb-Zn deposits and their surroundings.
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