Trade Battle over Dumping 等

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  Recently, the US Commerce Department concluded Chinese producers were dumping pipes used by the oil and gas industry and would collect duties of up to 99 percent.
  China criticized Washington for raising anti-dumping duties on Chinese-made steel pipes. The decision violated the commitments by the US and other major economies to avoid protectionism when in the global economic crisis.“China resolutely opposes use of such protectionist practices, and will take measures to protect the interests of its industry,” ministry spokesman Yao Jian said.
  Shortly afterwards, China announced it was beginning an anti-dumping investigation of imported US cars. It was acting on a complaint by Chinese carmakers. Meanwhile, China’s major steel works have asked the Commerce Ministry to start an anti-dumping investigation of US and European-made hot rolled and stainless steel, which was being sold at improperly low prices and caused injury to the Chinese market.
  Facing this situation, both governments have repeatedly stressed the importance of stable relations and senior leaders have avoided public comments about the trade fights. They are limiting the fights to diplomatic channels, obviously hoping to prevent a trade war that could damage wide-ranging cooperation on issues such as the global economic crisis and climate change.
  Question: What do the underlined words “such protectionist practices” refer to?
  Smaller and More Efficient
  Nuclear Battery
  While scientists are finding ways to make batteries more powerful, problems can arise when these batteries are much larger and heavier than the devices themselves. University of Missouri(MU) researchers are developing a nuclear energy source that is smaller, lighter and more efficient.
  “The radioisotope battery can provide power density that is six orders of magnitude higher than chemical batteries,” said Jae Kwon, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at MU.
  Kwon and his research team have been working on building a small nuclear battery, currently the size and thickness of a penny, intended to power various micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS).
  “People hear the word ‘nuclear’ and think of something very dangerous,” he said. “However, nuclear power sources have already been safely powering a variety of devices, such as pace-makers, space satellites and underwater systems.”
  His innovation is not only in the battery’s size, but also in its semiconductor. This battery uses a liquid semiconductor rather than a solid one. In the future, they hope to increase the battery’s power, make its size even smaller and try with various other materials.
  Question: What is special of this innovative nuclear battery?
  A. Its liquid semiconductor. B. Its solid semiconductor.
  C. Its small size. D. Both A and C.
  The Pianist
  The Pianist is a 2002 film adapted from the autobiography of the same name by Jewish-Polish musician Wladyslaw Szpilman. The film told the story that Szpilman played the last live music heard over Polish radio airwaves before Nazi artillery hit. During the brutal occupation, he was deported but remained in the ruined Warsaw Ghetto. There, he struggled to stay alive. Finally, he picked up his artistic gifts, and confronted his fears, with aid from the unlikeliest source—a German officer who helped him hide in the final days of the war.
  The film won the Palme d’Or at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival, and the Academy Awards for Best Director, Best Actor and Best Adapted Screenplay. The greatest achievement of the film is that it portrays all of the horror and insanity of the Holocaust without ever losing a sense of hope. Despite facing unimaginable cruelty and hardship, most of the Jewish characters in the film never lose their humanity.
  ★have work cut out 左右为难,难以定夺
  —All of you did such a good job. Our celebrity judge has her work cut out for her.
  ★rain check 改日再约
  —Do you want to have a cup of tea?
  —I have got to be somewhere, but, rain check?
  ★take one’s side 支持某人,站在某人这一边
  —I had a fight with Jenny.
  —What can I do to help?
  —I want you to take my side and agree that Jenny was wrong.
  Prove That the Sun of All the Angles of a Triangle Is 180.
  Do you remember how your math teacher taught you to prove that the sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180°? Yes, of course, you do. But it is interesting to prove it in the following way.
  Cut a triangle out of a piece of paper. If you fold over the corners, as shown in the picture, you can easily make the three angles fit together to form a 180°angle at the base of the triangle.
  dumping 倾销 US Commerce Department 美国商务部
  anti-dumping 反倾销 violate 违犯 commitment 承诺
  protectionism 贸易保护主义 resolutely 坚决地 complaint 抱怨
  Commerce Ministry商务部 hot rolled and stainless steel 热轧不锈钢
  diplomatic channels 外交渠道 radioisotope 放射性同位素
  six orders of magnitude 六个数量级
  micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) 微机电系统
  pace-maker 心脏起搏器 innovation 创新 semiconductor 半导体
  adapt 改编 autobiography 自传
  Jewish-Polish 波兰籍犹太人 airwaves 电波 Nazi 纳粹的
  artillery 炮火 brutal 野蛮的 occupation 占领
  Warsaw Ghetto 华沙犹太人区 unlikely 不可能的
  the Palme d’Or 金棕榈奖 Cannes Film Festival 戛纳电影节
  the Academy Awards 奥斯卡金像奖 screenplay 电影剧本
  portray 描绘 insanity 疯狂
  the Holocaust (“二战”期间纳粹对犹太人的)大屠杀 cruelty残酷
  triangle 三角形 fold over 折叠
  Trade Battle over Dumping: They refer to“Washington’s raising anti-dumping duties on Chinese-made steel pipes”.
  Smaller and More Efficient Nuclear Battery: D
一头驴子不小心掉进一口枯井里,他哀怜地叫喊求救,期待主人把它救出去。驴子的主人召集了数位亲邻出谋划策,也没能想出办法来搭救驴子。大家倒是认定,反正驴子已经老了,“人道地毁灭”也不为过,况且这口枯井迟早总要填上的。   于是,人们拿起铲子开始填井。当第一铲泥土落到枯井里时,驴子叫得更恐怖了——它显然明白了主人的意图。又一铲泥土落到枯井里,驴子却出乎意料地安静下来了。人们发现,此后,每一铲泥土打在它背
朋友圈的“众筹”这则材料,可以用在“友情”“善良”“金钱观”“实现心愿、梦想”“成功与努力”“成功的捷径”“过程与结果”等话题的写作上。    “众筹”好坏,众说纷纭。我以为,朋友圈里的“众筹”消息泥沙俱下、真假参半,我们很难辨别,能做的唯二。   首先,坚定立场。看到有人向你筹款,不管熟识与否、朋友与否,你觉得值得筹的、有能力筹的,就筹;如果觉得没必要掏钱的,就不掏钱,用不着犹犹豫豫。筹与不筹
从下面两个题目中任选一题,按要求作答。不少于700字。将题目抄在答题卡上。(50分)  ①《白鹿原上奏响一支老腔》记述老腔的演出每每“撼人胸腑”,令人有一种“酣畅淋漓”的感觉,某种意义上,可以说“老腔”已超越其艺术形式本身,成为了一种象征。  请以“‘老腔’何以令人震撼”为题,写一篇议论文。  要求:从老腔的魅力说开去,不要局限于陈忠实散文的内容,观点明确,论据充分,论证合理。  ②书签,与书相伴
炼字题是古诗词鉴赏常考的题型。在讲解如何答题之前,我们先要辨明两个概念:“炼字”与“诗眼”。  “炼字”指诗人经过反复推敲琢磨,挑选出最精确、最形象生动的词语来描摹事物或表达情意。赏析“炼字”,就是品味用得好的词语深藏的情感,或品味其形象生动的表达效果。  “诗眼”往往是一首诗内容的凝聚点,能拓宽、加深诗的意境,集中表现诗的旨趣。某个字炼得好,能显示诗的题旨,这个字就是诗眼,如“红杏枝头春意闹”的
针对新材料作文的审题,我们应该仔细分析材料内涵,从而准确立意。这则材料主要呈现了三方面内容:第一方面,介绍画家莫迪里阿尼代表作的共性特征,即“画中人只有一只眼睛”;第二方面,画家作解释,强调“自检”和“审视自己”;第三方面,毕加索的自省与赞赏。综观这三方面,我们不难发现,材料导向清楚,写作提示比较明确,核心问题是谈审视自我及审视的方法。  值得一提的是,材料中的“我们”可以指个体的自己,也可以指集
你还记得小学时学过的课文《富饶的西沙群岛》吗?西沙群岛如珍珠般散落在南海中,“那里风景优美、物产丰富,是个可爱的地方”。同样美丽的,还有中沙群岛和南沙群岛。  2012年6月21日,国家民政部网站发布公告称,国务院批准撤销海南省西沙群岛、中沙群岛、南沙群岛办事处,设立地级三沙市,管辖西沙群岛、中沙群岛、南沙群岛的岛礁及其海域。由此,岛屿面积13平方公里、海域面积200多万平方公里的三沙市,成为我国
论文的论证方式一般有立论和驳论之分。所谓驳论,就是批驳他人的言论或观点。驳论文往往破中有立、边破边立,在批驳他人观点的同时,针锋相对地提出自己的观点,以便彻底驳倒对方。写这类文章的一般思路是:列举现象—分析弊端—探究根源—指出方法。  同学们都学过鲁迅先生的《拿来主义》,这就是一篇典型的驳论文。文中,鲁迅从国人继承文化遗产时的两种态度——“闭关主义”和“送去主义”的表现入手,揭示了这两种态度带来的
沈金妹: 每个人都有优点和缺点,而“人最大的劣根性,就是双眼都用来盯着别人和外边的世界,难以自检”。所以,我们要学会“取长补短”,弥补自己的缺陷,切不可故步自封。  点 评: 这位同学根据材料中的关键句和关键词“难以自检”来立意,审题角度没有问题。但是材料的中心意思为“审视自己”“要自检”,而“取长补短”是指吸取别人的长处、弥补自己的不足,是在审视自己、发现不足后提升自我的一种方式。所以,单以“学
选择题部分  一、 选择题 (本大题共16小题,每小题3分,共48分。每小题列出的四个备选项中,只有一个是符合题目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分)  1. 下列加点字的读音全都正确的一项是( )  A. 缄默(jiān) 攒射(zàn) 缜密(zhěn) 肆无忌惮(dàn)  B. 枕藉(jiè) 蟾蜍(chú) 爪牙(zhǎo) 车载斗量(zài)  C. 偌大(ruò) 憎恶(wù) 桂冠(