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1919年孙中山先生在《实业计划》的《改良现存水路及运河》中,提出改善川江航道,发展三峡水力发电的设想。 1924年孙中山先生在《民主主义》第三讲中进一步阐述了长江三峡水力资源的丰富和开发三峡水电的重要性和用途。 1924年国民党政府建设委员发起组织长江上游水力发电勘测队,编写了《扬子江上游水力发电勘测报告》,拟定了葛洲坝、黄陵庙两处低坝方案进行比较。 1933年扬子江水道整理委员会组织完成宜昌到重庆段测图。提出《长江上游水力发电计划》。 1944年中国战时生产局顾问,美国经济学家潘绥建议在三峡建造水力发电厂。美国高坝专家萨凡奇博士应邀访华,率技术人员前往三峡查勘,编写了《扬子江三峡计划初步报告》,提出兴建三峡工程建议,拦河坝坝 In 1919, Mr. Sun Yat-sen put forward the idea of ​​improving the waterway in the Chuan River and developing the Three Gorges hydroelectric power in the “Improvement of Existing Waterways and Canal” of “Industrial Plan”. In 1924, Sun Yat-sen further elaborated the enrichment of the Three Gorges hydropower resources and the importance and use of the Three Gorges hydropower in the third lecture of “Democracy.” In 1924, the Kuomintang government construction commissioned a hydroelectric survey team in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River to compile a survey report on hydropower generation in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and formulated plans for comparing two low dam schemes at Gezhouba and Huanglingmiao. In 1933, the Yangzi River Channel Commission completed the Yichang-Chongqing section of the survey. Proposed “the Yangtze River upstream hydropower plan.” In 1944, China’s Wartime Production Advisor, Pan Sui, a U.S. economist, proposed to build a hydroelectric power plant in the Three Gorges. Dr. Savage, a U.S. high dam expert, was invited to visit China and led a technician to visit the Three Gorges. He compiled the Initial Report of the Yangtze Three Gorges Project and proposed the construction of the Three Gorges Project and dam barrage
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