落叶松落叶病(Mycosphaerlla larici-leptolepis Ito.Sato et Oda)是我国北方落叶松人工林中普遍发生的严重病害。在吉林省历年发病严重的林分,其树高、胸径和材积生长量均降低30%左右。落叶松枯梢病(Guignardia larieina(sawada)Yamamoto etK。xto.)是我国北方落叶松人工林中新发现的一种危险性传染病害。
Larch deciduous disease (Mycosphaerlla larici-leptolepis Ito.Sato et Oda) is a serious disease in the Larix principis-rupprechtii plantation. In Jilin Province, the serious disease of the past years, the tree height, DBH and volume growth were reduced by about 30%. Guignardia larieina (sawada) Yamamoto et K.xto.) Is a newly discovered dangerous infectious disease in the Larix gmelinii plantation in northern China.