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山岸一章的主要作品有:《幽灵副主任》(1961)、《支部的诞生》(1962)、《老龟》(1963)、《我不哭》(1964)等短篇小说。《墓志铭》发表于《文化评论》1962年第12期。这篇小说以五个小故事组成:作者通过“我”所看到的一些人的死,以从三十年代到今天这一历史时期为背景,给我们剖析了几段历史的横断面。《红娃娃》里“我”的妹妹只两岁零七个月就夭折了;《无花果》写老夫妇俩死后的惨景;《百日红》,一百多被日本帝国主义征去当炮灰的士兵在大海中葬身鱼腹;《闸瓦》里的一个老工人竟因发明创造送了命;《海啸》描写一对革命夫妇为了维持生活,坚持进行革命斗争而不得不实行堕胎手术。不可讳言,作者所描叙的这些无辜者的死,不能不令人感到沉郁、压抑;但掩卷之余,却发人深思:他们的死,难道不正是曾经疯狂侵略亚洲各国的日本法西斯统治者、及战后美帝国主义及日本反动派所造成的吗?但是日本人民已经觉醒了,近几年来他们在日本共产党领导下同美日反动派进行了针锋相对的斗争,取得了很大进展。《海啸》刻划了一对青年革命夫妇的一个生活侧面,而“海啸”正是日本人民的革命气概的象征! 本篇插图作者为箕田源二郎。 The main works of the chapter on the mountain shore are short stories such as “Deputy Ghost” (1961), Birth of Branch (1962), Old Turtle (1963), I Do not Cry (1964). Epitaph was published in Cultural Review No. 12, 1962. This novel is composed of five stories: the death of some people as seen by the author through “I”, and from the thirties to the present-day historical period, we have analyzed some of the historical cross-sections . “Red Doll” “I” sister died only two years and seven months old; “fig” wrote the old couple after the death of the tragic scene; “Hundred Days Red”, more than a hundred were Japanese imperialism sign When a cannon fodder buried a fish in the sea, an old worker in “brake shoe” was sent to death for invention. The “Tsunami” described a revolutionary couple who had to undergo abortion surgery in order to maintain their lives and persist in the revolutionary struggle . It can not be denied that the death of these innocent people described by the author can not but be depressing and depressing. However, they have been deliberately explored: their death is not precisely the Japanese fascist rule that once violently invaded various Asian countries And post-war US imperialism and the Japanese reactionaries? However, the Japanese people have awakened and made great strides in recent years in their tit-for-tat struggle against the U.S.-Japanese reactionaries under the leadership of the Japanese Communist Party. Tsunami delineated a life aspect of a pair of young revolutionary couple, and “tsunami” is a symbol of the revolutionary spirit of the Japanese people.
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