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To investigate the changes in serum leptin concentration in the conception cycle of severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). Prospective longitudinal study of 66 IVFETcycles between May 2000 and June 2002. Infertility outpatient clinic at a Japanese medical school. Infertile patients undergoing IVFET cycles at the infertility outpatient clinic were divided into three groups consisting of group 1 (conceptioncycle patients with severe OHSS, n = 9), and group 2 (conception cycle, nonOHSS, n = 28), and group 3 (nonconception cycle, nonOHSS, n = 29). Blood samples were collected at five different periods. Period I, on the first day of ovarian stimulation with FSH; period II, at hCG administration before oocyte retrieval; period III, 7 days after oocyte retrieval; period IV, 14 days after oocyte retrieval; and period V, 21 days after oocyte retrieval. Serum leptin concentration. The serum leptin concentration was low in the OHSS group compared with that of the nonOHSS groups in all serum samples, with significant levels at periods III (vs. groups 2 and 3; P<.05) and IV (vs. group 3; P<.01). A twofold increase of leptin concentration from period I to period II (P<.05) was observed in all groups. The change pattern in serum leptin concentration might provide a great contribution to the pathophysiology development of OHSS patients during assisted reproductive treatment. To investigate the changes in serum leptin concentration in the conception cycle of severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). Prospective longitudinal study of 66 IVFETcycles between May 2000 and June 2002. Infertile patients undergoing at a Japanese medical school. ET cycles at the infertility outpatient clinic were divided into three groups consisting of group 1 (conceptioncycle patients with severe OHSS, n = 9), and group 2 (conception cycle, nonOHSS, n = 28), and group 3 period I, on the first day of ovarian stimulation with FSH; period II, at hCG administration before oocyte retrieval; period III, 7 days after The serum leptin concentration was low in the OHSS group compared with that of the non-OH SS groups in all serum samples, with significant levels at periods III (vs. groups 2 and 3; P <.05) and IV (vs. group 3; P <.01). A twofold increase of leptin concentration from period I to The change pattern in serum leptin concentration might provide a great contribution to the pathophysiology development of OHSS patients during assisted reproductive treatment.
目的:探索肺炎支原体肺炎病程中D-二聚体、脂蛋白a (Lp (a) ) 的变化及临床意义。方法:采集病例组和健康对照组晨空腹血,测定D-二聚体、Lp (a) 。运用SPSS20.0分析所得数据。
比10 m普通客车的容量更大,比11 m普通客车则更加灵活、经济,在记者看来,这款产品似乎恰好找到了10 m大容量客车在承载能力、经济性、舒舒性方面的平衡点相比于以往测评的产
从1943年美国儿童精神科医生Leo Kanner最早报道“孤独症”开始,我们越来越深刻地认识到这是一种特殊的病,之所以特殊,是因为它在被发现后的几十年中,人类一直找不到导致疾病的病因,找不到有效的治疗方法。这些得病的孩子仿佛都经过上帝的遴选一样,一个个都异常的纯洁、漂亮。可是,他们却对这个世界上的一切缺乏应有的反应,有视力却不愿和你对视,有语言却很难和你交流,有听力却总是充耳不闻,有行为却总与你
In recent years,as a new class of two-dimensional polymer,covalent organic frameworks(COFs) have attracted intensive attention and developed rapidly.This review
孕妇,26岁.妊娠25周,应用GE Voluson 730彩超仪,探头频率2~7 MHz,行产前常规超声检查显示:胎头位于下腹,双顶径6.2 cm,颅骨光环完整,脊柱排列规则,胎心规律,胎儿右侧肺部见多个直径0.2~0.8 cm左右的囊状无回声区,边界清,内透声好(图1),胎盘位于子宫后壁,Ⅰ级,羊水深度8.2cm。