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《数学课程标准》指出:数学教学要紧密联系学生的生活实际,从学生的生活经验和已有的知识出发,创设生动有趣的情境,激发学生对数学的兴趣,以及学好数学的愿望。在数学课堂教学中通过创设有趣的情境,把学生的心理调节到最佳状态,使学生处于一种积极思维的良好状态,可以让学生在具体形象、富有情感性的情境中很快掌握数学知识和技能,体验数学的美;可以使枯燥、抽象的数学变得生动形象,激发学生主动思考问题,积极投入到自主探索、合作交流的氛围中,是学生探究数学知识的起点和原动力,是提高学生学习数学能力的一种有效手段。下面结合实例,谈谈如创设数学情境实现有效学习的。 The standard of mathematics curriculum points out that the teaching of mathematics should be closely linked with the actual life of students, starting from the students ’life experiences and existing knowledge, creating vivid and interesting situations, stimulating students’ interest in mathematics and the desire to learn math. Through the creation of interesting situations in mathematics classroom teaching, the students’ psychology can be adjusted to the best condition so that the students are in a good state of positive thinking and can quickly grasp the knowledge of mathematics in the situation of concrete images and emotions And skills to experience the beauty of mathematics; can make boring, abstract mathematics to become a vivid image, to stimulate students to take the initiative to think about issues, and actively into the atmosphere of independent exploration, cooperation and exchange is the starting point for students to explore mathematical knowledge and driving force is to improve An Effective Means for Students to Learn Mathematical Ability. The following combination of examples to talk about such as the creation of mathematical situations to achieve effective learning.
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通过对浓硝酸泵新、旧机械密封摩擦幅端面比压和泄漏量的计算与结构分析,优化设备运行周期和经济环保状态。 Through the calculation and structural analysis of the spec