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目的了解苏州市化学中毒临床急救体系现状。方法对苏州市28家医疗机构进行问卷调查,对中毒防治人员基本情况、中毒事件报告及监测、中毒现场救治、院内中毒急救能力、解毒药物储备及使用情况等5个方面进行调查。结果对照《苏州市职业病和化学中毒救治中心(站、点)基本建设标准(试行2008)》(以下简称《标准》),在28家医疗机构中,仅1家具有专业从事化学中毒救治的工作人员,2家可对中毒事件进行网络直报,4家能及时对中毒现场进行救治,8家具备院内抢救设备流程,各医疗机构中均有部分相关解毒药物储备。结论该市缺乏完善的中毒应急救治体系,专业人才严重缺乏,相关中毒救治的条件尚不完善,未能达到《标准》中要求,应加大对化学中毒应急救治体系建设的支持力度。 Objective To understand the status quo of clinical emergency system of chemical poisoning in Suzhou City. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted on 28 medical institutions in Suzhou City to investigate the basic situation of poisoning prevention and control personnel, reporting and monitoring of poisoning incidents, on-site treatment of poisoning, hospital emergency and rescue capabilities, stockpiling and usage of detoxification drugs. Results Compared with the “Suzhou City, occupational diseases and chemical poisoning treatment center (station, point) capital construction standards (Trial 2008)” (hereinafter referred to as the “standard”), 28 medical institutions, only one has specialized in chemical poisoning treatment work Two staff members were able to conduct direct online reporting of poisoning incidents, four were able to promptly treat the poisoning scene, and eight were equipped with the hospital equipment rescue procedures. Some medical institutions all had certain related antidotes reserves. Conclusion The city lacks a complete emergency treatment system for poisoning and a serious shortage of professionals. The conditions for the treatment of poisoning are not yet complete and the “standard” requirements have not been met. Therefore, the city should step up its efforts in the construction of an emergency rescue system for chemical poisoning.
China and ASEAN look forward to a rosy future at the start of a new decade following the scheduled establishment of a free trade area China and ASEAN look forw
计算扁钢重量,是编制材料定额和计算锻件坯料时经常遇到的问题。计算公式为: G=ρBHL (1) 式中:G——扁钢重量ρ——扁钢密度,一般取7.85 B、H、L——分别为扁钢宽、厚和长
《医学争鸣》杂志创刊一年来,以其独到的内容特色和报道视角,赢得了业内同仁和广大读者的欢迎,2011年订数已突破11万,为目前我国学术性期刊订数之冠。 In the past year, “