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  中图分类号:G642.0 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-9324(2013)24-0050-03
  成本性态(cost behavior)是指在业务量发生变化时成本将如何反应或变化。
  1.成本性态分析的成本分类。按照成本性态,通常可以把成本区分为固定成本、变动成本和混合成本。①固定成本。固定成本是指其总额在一定时期及一定产量范围内,不直接受业务量变动的影响而保持固定不变的成本。固定成本总额不因业务量的变动而变动,但单位固定成本(单位业务量负担的固定成本)会与业务量的增减呈反向变动。②变动成本。变动成本是指在特定的业务量范围内,其总额会随业务量的变动而成正比例变动的成本。变动成本总额因业务量的变动而成正比例变动,但单位变动成本(单位业务量负担的变动成本)不变。③混合成本。混合成本就是“混合”了固定成本和变动成本两种不同性质的成本。一方面,它们要随业务量的变化而变化;另一方面,它们的变化又不能与业务量的变化保持着纯粹的正比例关系。混合成本兼有固定与变动两种性质。成本性态分析是指在成本性态分类的基础上,按一定的程序和方法,将全部成本最终区分为固定成本(Fixed Cost)和变动成本(Variable Cost)两大类,并建立相应的成本函数模型。
  案例:Jasmine Lee owns a catering company that serves food and beverages at parties and business functions.Lee’s business is seasonal,with a heavy schedule during the summer months and holidays and a lighter schedule at other times.One of the major events requested by Lee’s customers is a cocktail party.She offers a standard cocktail party and has estimated the total cost per guest as follows:
  Food and beverages $17.00
  Labor(0.5 hours@$10.00 per hour) 5.00
  Overhead(0.5 hours@$18.63 per hour) 9.32
  Total cost per guest $31.32
  The standard cocktail party lasts three hours and Lee hires one worker for every six guests,which works out to one-half hour of direct per guest. These workers are hired only as needed and paid only for the hours they actually work.
  Lee ordinarily charges $45 per guest. She is confident about her estimates of the costs of foods and beverages and labor,but is not as comfortable with the estimate of overhead cost.The $18.63 overhead cost per labor-hour was determined by dividing the total overhead expense for the last 12 months by the total labor-hour for the same period.Her overhead includes cost such as the annual rent for office space,administrative salaries,the costs of hiring and writing paychecks for temporary workers,and so on   Lee has received a request to bid on a large fund-raising cocktail party to be given next month by an important local charity. (The party would last the usual three hours.) She would like to win this contract because the guest list for this charity event includes many prominent individuals that she would like to land as future clients.Other caterers have also been invited to bid on the event,and she believes that one,if not more,of those companies will bid less than $45 per guest. She is not willing to lose money on the event and needs your input before making any decisions.
  Required:Assume that Ms. Lee will not incur any additional fixed costs if she wins the bid on the cocktail part. Do you think whether or not she should base cost her bid on the estimated cost of $31.32 per guest?
  She must consider cost behavior when estimating future costs,such as the cost of catering a cocktail party.A variable cost is a cost whose total dollar amount varies in direct proportion to changes in the activity level (in your case,the number of guests). A fixed cost is a cost whose total dollar amount remains constant within a relevant range of activity.A mixed cost is one that contains both variable and fixed cost elements.
  Food and beverage and labor are examples of variable costs. These costs increase in total as the number of guests increases. On the other hand,overhead cost is an example of a mixed cost. It has both variable and fixed cost elements. The costs of hiring and writing paychecks for temporary workers is an example of a variable cost,while the annual office rent and administrative salaries are examples of fixed costs.
  Before she make a decision about what to bid on this event,she should remove the amount of fixed overhead from our total estimated cost per guest to arrive at your total estimated variable cost per guest.To do this,she need to break her overhead cost down into its variable and fixed components. There are a variety of methods that you can use to break down this mixed cost.   步骤5:经过上述逐步的讨论和引导,结合前面对成本性态知识的基本了解,学生最终不难得出结论。
  Therefore,Ms.Lee noted that she is not willing to lose money on the fund-raising cocktail party.Because this cocktail party will not require her to incur any additional fixed expenses,her bid just needs to cover her variable costs in order for the party to be profitable. As such,any bid amount that exceeds her total variable cost per guest will generate a profit. This will be less than the $31.32 total cost since that amount includes fixed costs.
  [4]朱靖.本科管理会计案例教学之我见[J].财会月刊,2010,(4): 100-101.
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