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Peristeri means a dove in Greek.It’s also the name of the area I was staying while I was visitingmy grandmother’s family in Athens,Greece.Surrounded by a myriad of unfamiliar faces,jet-lagged and exhausted,I tried to make sense of all the buzzing conversations going on around me.Sitting on the veranda of my grandmother’s sister’s home in Peristeri,I studied the faces of myrelatives;I barely knew any of them at the time,and the newness of my surroundings captivatedme,regardless of my knee-trembling sleepiness. Peristeri means a dove in Greek. It’s the name of the area I was sleeping while I was visiting my grandmother’s family in Athens, Greece. Surrounded by a myriad of unfamiliar faces, jet-lagged and exhausted, I tried to make sense of all the buzzing conversations going on around me.Sitting on the veranda of my grandmother’s sister’s home in Peristeri, I studied the faces of myrelatives; I barely knew any of them at the time, and the newness of my surroundings captivatedme, regardless of my knee-trembling sleepiness.
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目前,国际民航组织对现有民航飞行员及空管人员英语测试系统的质量水平,没有统一的标准,从而给国际民航英语测试实践和 ICAO 制定的语言新标准的实施带来了一定的问题。本文