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机会均等,优胜劣汰,实行人才竞争是一项具有重大社会意义的改革。这项人事制度的改革,不仅可以克服因选人者视野所限造成埋没人才,因用人不讲原则,不能一视同仁压制人才,单纯凭“学历”或“资历”而搁置人才,因嫉贤妒能而扼杀人才等现象,而且,实行人才竞争将在人们心理上至少产生以下效应: 第一,激励人们奋发进取,追求真才实学。人才竞争是能力的角逐,智慧的较量。它使人们清楚地认识到,竞争场上是凭学识能力和才华取胜,参与竞争者,必须有真才实学。这对治疗只图虚名不求实效的“文凭热”症是一剂有效的良药。第二,鼓励人们的创新意识。实行人才竞争,对人才评价比较公正、客观。凭人的感情、印象、关系等选拔人才的心理状况就会淡化乃 Equal opportunities, the survival of the fittest, the implementation of talent competition is a major social significance of the reform. This reform of the personnel system can not only eliminate the talent buried by the limited vision of the candidates, but also can not put pressure on talents equally because people do not speak the principle of employing personnel, and lay aside their talents solely on the basis of “academic qualifications” or “qualifications” And so on, and the implementation of talent competition will have the following psychological effects on people at least: First, encourage people to forge ahead, the pursuit of real talent learning. Talent competition is the ability to compete, the contest of wisdom. It enables people to clearly recognize that competition is based on the ability to learn and talent to win, participate in the competition, must have the real talent to learn. This is a cure for Diploma fever which is not effective for the treatment of the disease. Second, to encourage people’s sense of innovation. The implementation of talent competition, talent evaluation more fair and objective. With people’s feelings, impressions, relationships and other psychological conditions of the selection of talent will be downplayed
<正> 现行的思想政治工作,在全面改革开放的历史条件下,正在受到新的挑战。人们开始对新的思想政治工作观念、方法进行各种各样的大胆探索。我以为,在新时期的思想政治工作中
摘 要 目的:探讨腹腔镜小儿斜疝高位结扎术中的临床护理经验。方法:对48例腹腔镜患儿术中护理资料进行了回顧性分析。结果:术前器械物品的准备及术中护理配合,是缩短手术时间的关键。随访术后3~4个月,无复发病例,无不适感。结论:术中护理配合直接影响患儿康复,同时该手术具有手术时间短、创伤小、疼痛轻、恢复快等优点,值得临床推广应用。  关键词 腹腔镜 小儿斜疝高位结扎术 术中护理    资料与方法   
<正> 乡镇领导正确处理“对上”、“对下”、“对内”、“对外”的各种关系,是顺利开展工作,完成各项任务不容忽视的重要方面。一、正确处理“对上”的关系乡镇领导“对上”
<正> “绝对的权力,导致绝对的腐败”,这是人类社会历史发展过程中的经验总结。国家公务员是国家权力的操纵者和运转者,在国家机构中占有特殊的地位。因此,为了确保国家公务
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