保护鼠类天敌 搞好生态灭鼠

来源 :中国媒介生物学及控制杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:watersss1111
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本市农田鼠类天敌主要有黄鼬、猫头膺、蛇等。其中黄鼬堪称捕鼠能手,一年可捕鼠千余只,相当于保护9吨多粮食。如市辖长城沿线的小厂、鸡鸣、曹家堡、汤泉、东陵等乡镇,丘陵起伏,林木茂盛,鼠天敌资源丰富,系生态和物理器械灭鼠区。该区有黄鼬4只/km~2,猫头鹰1只/km~2和较 The city farm animal predators are mainly yellow weasel, cat head Ying, snakes and so on. Among them, the weasel is a trapping catcher who can catch more than a thousand mice a year, which is equivalent to protecting more than 9 tons of grain. As the city under the jurisdiction of the Great Wall along the small factories, crowing, Cao Fort, Tang Quan, Dongling and other towns, hilly, lush forests, rich natural enemies of resources, Department of Ecology and physical equipment rodent control area. The area has four weasels / km ~ 2, owl 1 / km ~ 2 and more
⑦湘椒 18号 (原名湘研 16号 ) 是省蔬菜研究所选配的辣味型中晚熟杂交组合。1998、1999年两年多点试验 ,6 6 7m2 产量2 5 30kg ,比湘椒 5号 (湘研 6号 )增产14 .5 %。从定植至