1991年总决赛第二场终场结束前7分47秒,乔丹(Michael Jordan)从中路带球直插湖人禁区,并在对手过来包夹他的时候把球送到左路接应的队友手里。接球的公牛球员冲到禁区边缘,吸引了湖人队三个人的注意力,随后起跳双手将球甩回给罚球线附近的乔丹。球顷刻之间转移了两次,湖人的防守实际上已顾此失彼。然后就是“飞人陛下”那记惊世骇俗的乾坤大挪移——罚球线附近起跳,并在萨姆·帕金斯(Sam Perkins),A.C.格林(A.C.Green)以及“魔术师”约翰逊(Magic Johnson)的头上完成惊世骇俗的换手投篮。
Seven minutes and 47 seconds into the final of Game 2 of the Finals in 1991, Michael Jordan dribbled into the restricted area from the center of the bar and sent it to his left team mate when the opponent came back and pinch him. Bulls catch the ball players rushed to the edge of the restricted area, attracting the attention of the Los Angeles Lakers three individuals, and then take off both hands to throw the ball back to Jordan near the free throw line. Transfer the ball instantly between the two, the Lakers defense actually has taken care of each other. And then it was “The Majesty of the Fellowship” that shocked the world with a big move - take off near the free throw line and played with Sam Perkins, AC Green and Magic Johnson Magic Johnson) to complete the shabby hand-shot.