集中力量抓根本 才能胜同行

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一、抓特殊顾客的特殊需求阿 Q 饭店红火异常“阿 Q”饭店位于镇中学大门外的临街。镇中学是集四乡三镇的高中生于一起,学生共有三千多人,光寄宿生就有一千多人。由于学校对食宿采取放开制,学生即可以到校内食堂吃,也可以到校外餐馆吃。因此校外临街的餐馆就有二十多家。“阿 Q 饭店”的老板刘宾也在这里租店开餐馆,他找来许多要好的朋友,帮着出谋划策,如何在同行中脱颖而出?大家你一言我一语地商量起来,结合身边实际,采取在外所见之长,制定了以下几个要点。首先,给饭店取个好名。既然来餐馆吃饭的大都是学生,餐馆就要有点书生味。最后大家决定就以鲁迅笔下的“阿Q”人物,取名为“阿 Q”饭店。“阿 Q”是鲁迅笔下有争议的人物,也是教学课上的重要内容。取“阿 Q”为名,即亲切,又好 First, grasping the special needs of special customers Ah Q Hotel abnormal fire “Ah Q ” Hotel is located in front of the town outside the main street. High school town is set in four towns and three high school students together, a total of more than 3,000 students, there are more than a thousand light boarding students. As the school to relax the accommodation system, students can go to the school canteen to eat, you can also eat outside the restaurant. Therefore, there are more than twenty restaurants facing the street outside the school. “Ah Q Hotel ” boss Liu Bin also rent restaurants here to open a restaurant, he found many good friends, help advice, how to stand out in the peer? You a word to me to discuss together, with the side In fact, to take a long view of the outside, developed the following points. First, give the restaurant a good name. Since most of the restaurants to eat are students, restaurants should be a little scholarly taste. Finally, we decided to Lu Xun pen “Ah Q ” character, named as “Ah Q ” restaurant. “Ah Q ” is a controversial figure written by Lu Xun, is also an important part of the teaching class. Take “Ah Q ” in the name, that is cordial, and good
燕子姐姐: 我有个表弟,每次来我家都会无理取闹,不答应他的要求就又哭又闹,可这种时候,爸妈反而骂我不懂事,说我应该让着弟弟。我真是想不通,难道年龄小就可以不讲道理吗? 委
优秀文学社展示之 “雏鸽文学社”创办于1996年,首期社刊上的首篇作文《一个夏天的晚上》就发表在1997年第4期《小学生作文选刊》上,多年来,《雏鸽》像一只羽翼未丰的乳鸽,在
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介绍 GJB 2740—96《脉冲激光测距仪参数系列》的制定过程,军用脉冲激光测距仪通用性能、主要参数和基本参数的确定、应用及与美、英、法等发达国家军用激光测距仪的主要性能
AIM To demonstrate the relationship betweenH-ras oncogene and hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)metastasis.METHODS Activated H-ras oncogene wastransfected into SMMC