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农药是一种特殊的工业品是保障农业丰收的重要农业生产资料,同时也是一种含育各种毒素的有毒商品。由于长期大量的使用农药,对自然生态环境、人畜安全等一系列问题构成了较大威胁。为此,协调好经济利益和社会效益的辩证关系,切实合理安全使用农药,让其发挥最大价值造福人类,以减少其带来的污染等问题,促进农业可持续发展,是当今在农业生产中必须认真思考和急需解决的一个重要问题。1 农药使用的风险性1.1 农产品中农药残留超标,危害人类健康。我国是一个农业大国,也是生产和使用农药的大国之一。据报道。近年来我国每年因农药中毒伤亡事故屡有发生,特别是大量使用病毒、剧毒农药的地区,报道的数字触目惊心:1991年1~9月广州食品部门抽检90份蔬菜样品,甲胺磷检出率达71.9%;1992年上海市近郊蔬菜中敌敌畏最大检出值达3.51mg/kg,超过标准 Pesticide is a special kind of industrial products is important agricultural means of production to ensure the harvest of agriculture, but also a toxic commodity containing various toxins. Due to the long-term large-scale use of pesticides, it poses a great threat to a series of problems in the natural ecological environment, human and livestock safety. To this end, coordinating the dialectical relationship between economic interests and social benefits, practically and rationally using pesticides in a safe and secure manner, maximizing their value for the benefit of mankind in order to reduce the pollution they cause, and promoting the sustainable development of agriculture are the key issues in today’s agricultural production One important issue that must be seriously considered and urgently needed to be solved. 1 the risk of pesticide use 1.1 Pesticide residues in agricultural products exceeded, endangering human health. Our country is a large agricultural country and one of the major countries producing and using pesticides. According to reports. In recent years, the annual incidence of pesticide poisoning accidents in our country has occurred frequently, especially in the areas where a large amount of viruses and highly toxic pesticides are used. The figures reported startling: From January to September 1991, 90 vegetable samples were taken from the food department of Guangzhou, and methamidophos The rate of 71.9%; 1992, the suburbs of Shanghai vegetable dichlorvos maximum detectable value of 3.51mg / kg, exceeding the standard
报道了斜纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒 (SpltMNPV)BamHI J片段的序列结构。该片段定位于SpltMNPV基因组 2 5 .8~2 9 .9图单位 (mapunit) ,包括 4个完整的开放读码框 ,几丁质酶基因 (c
编辑同志: 我们是一家依法成立的非营利性基金会。去年我会购买企业债券,取得债息收入5万元,未申报缴纳企业所得税。今年 Editor’s Comrade: We are a founding non-profi
西北农林科技大学植物保护学院 (农科院校区 )小麦条锈病课题组即原陕西省农科院植保所小麦条锈病组。该课题是 6 0年代初我国条锈病专家路端宜研究员、刘汉文研究员等老一辈
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